I am not a very big fan of serial and specially not of serial being aired on zee english. But one fine day as god would have it I accidentally came across this beautiful opening music of a serial called as full house and since then I have been hooked on to it.
Full house is all about family love, educating and upbringing ur children, parenting difficulties and the most amazing part is that all these diffcult issue have been presented in a very humurous way.
Serial is all about single dad danny tanner and her three daughter (Michelle whom I love most she is theyoungest and cutest and rightly titled and daddy little princess, Then come dj the eldest of all , and and as god would have it and serial depicts the middle sister who always feel she is not given enough attention , , , , , , , , I have forgotten her name oh pls forgive me)who are being brought up by help of his best frn joey and girls uncle jessey.
Joey is a amatuer comedian trying to make it big .. jessy is a rock star and a musician but not a big one. Household increases with induction of jessy wife rebecca who is a co host of daqnny tanner for a tv show...and that remind me I forgot to tell u guy danny is tv show host and found of giving lot of hugs ........ I can go about writing about family and their traits and qualities for such a longtime that I would exceed my word limit by miles..so getting back to show.
Most amazing thing about this show is that each episode carries amessage a tip for all of us about the importance of family love, communication. It does not only deal with emotions of daughter but also of all the adults in the serial. It show feeling of a dad a conc uncles. How can I ever forgot episode when jessy came back to home after hearing about michelle illness.
Anothe amazing aspect is it also depicts feeling and problem faced by adults also in their daily life...like the episode when joey decided to quit comedy as he was not making anything big or the episode when danny is caught in a dilemma of dating a young girl ....
Well in the end I would just say its an amazing serial which helps us to realize there is muchmore to life then our daily hustle bustle which we call as family and it also teaches how complex a issue may be it can be solved with family help