I think there should be a clear legal system to penalise these guys. They are cheating people openly and have started even harassing now.
Future Bazaar is using cheap tactics now to get the buyers. They advertised heavily that they are giving 60% discount on the product and on that basis theyll get customers and the orders for that heavly discounted product would be calmly cancelled by them unilaterally after 15-20 days.
On 26th Jan 09 I did put an order for product online and which was supposed to be delivered in 7 days. Even after 8-10 days when there was no response, I called on to check the status to which they said that its in process and would be delivered in time. After two days they call up and say your order would be cancelled because we are short of product. We can send you another product but you would be charged 2000 Rs extra(on an earlier product of Rs. 2300). So you buy that product.
This is so shameful. They took my moeny, sat on it for 15 days(probably funding their short term money needs) and then after 15 days unilaterally cancelled the order saying we could not get enough product from vendor. How can this be possible, when these guys can easily penalise any vendor for non-delivery. They simply did not want to sell the product at this rate and used this as tactics and funding for short term.
We consumers should have a right against these cheap tactics. Would suggest people to not buy from future bazaar ever