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Member Since:Jul 13, 2005
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Extremely Bad Experience
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
I took tikona 1.5 months back thinking that it was a competitive product but am amazed to know how bad they can be (they are cheating on usage limits and the Read more...
Extremely Bad experience
Reviewed ABC Broadband
I took ABC Broadband 1.5 months back thinking that it was a competitive product but am amazed to know how bad they can be (They are cheating on usage limits aRead more...
Reviewed Futurebazaar
I think there should be a clear legal system to penalise these guys. They are cheating people openly and have started even harassing now. Future Bazaar is usRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Sayanta_1981's review
Rated on nasir.shaikh's review
Commented on nasir.shaikh's review
I agree that was my initial experience as well, but I made the mistake of taking them. Service sure is pathetic
Rated on digitalnitin's review
Commented on own review
Just to add: I have finally disconnected the Tikona connection. I kept on giving them time and benefit of doubt but clearly they never rectified or responded. They are keen to ensure that any subscriber should not have a good exp. I actually evaluated it against my local cable net for 5 days s Read More...
Commented on ali_s's review
Hi Ali, I do respect your words but realise that you may be one amongst 100s / 1000s who are getting satisfactory service. Even that is very bad. Any service provider should have majority of satosfied customer and there may an exceptional who may have problem but whomsoever I know who have used Read More...
Commented on ankitmash's review
Hi ankit, Thx for such a nice review. Need some more help - am new to mumbai and want to prepare for IIT 2006. Since u r from mumbai - i just thot if you can give some guidance on good coaching classes in mumbai for IIT preparation.
Commented on phatakaniket's review
Hi aniket, Am new to mumbai and wanst to prepare for IIT 2006. Since i liked your review and u being from mumbai - i just wanted some guidance like which are the best coaching classes in mumbai for IIT preparation.
Commented on bunty007's review
Hi bunty, can you please guide me which classroom coaching would be best to join for preparation. I am in mumbai. REgards Vishal
Rated on bunty007's review
Rated on tushar1961's review
Rated on pranir's review
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