I have lived in bangalore for a very large part of my life. I love books.I mean I L_O_V_E books and need to be in a bookstore/buy a book every few days... and the bookstore I would least recommend is gangarams. firstly, other than prakash gangaram who at least has some sense of books and some decency, the others are just dishonest businessmen with no respect for books or customers. every category of books has better stores and people who stock them in the same area. while I have stopped shopping at gangarams a long time ago, however, I usually desist from posting anything negative. what was the last straw though was I went to pick up a desk diary for 2007 , and since there was no label, I asked him for the price. he quoted 450 bucks. a minute later, I picked up a much larger , better quality jacket diary by the same company and the price was 500 bucks printed. when I confronted the 1st floor manager (looks like prakashs elder demented brother.....) , he was stunned, as if he did not expect to be caught.all he offered was that sir I am not interested in selling it. Since he was busy flirting with a girl who was half his age, maybe he was just pissed I interrupted. okay, so here are better stores for almost any kind of book you might want to buy: 1. Diaries : Sapna, Fountainhead 2. FIction, non fiction : Premier premier premier !! or strand>or crossword> OR oxford bookstore. the last one has to be commended in procuring a book for me promptly that no one else did. they also have a very useful loyalty program.crossword doesnt , in the sense that however huge your purchase, they expect you to pay for their program (oh puhlease, I bought the complete calvin and hobbes and they still wanted me to pay....). 3. Medical books: try around vani vilas hospital . latest editions (gangarams has most medical books 1 edition older than current for example, see HY series it is 3 years old!!) are sold elsewhere at about 25 percent discounts---there are at least 3 bookstores right in fron of vani vilas that offer this 4. Technical books: ask around in your college before you buy from here!! I know most bookstores near colleges offer discounts 5.Childrens books: Book cellar, Oxford. so who should buy from GANGARAMS: those who do not mind feeling cheated, or finding out they were cheated, in retrospect. Also those who buy on official expense , and apparently its not personal if someone cheats YOU out of THAT money if you absolutely cannot find a book anywhere else and need it for something mission critical , like.... tomorrow!! The only bookstores that are more pathetic than gangarams in that area :1. English edition....what exactly do these guys sell? 2.Higginbothams: Unfortunately these nice people do not seem to have updated their business modelfrom what works on their railway station outlets.