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Member Since:Nov 03, 2006
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Reviewed Jungle Lodges Kabini River Lodge - Mysore
Kabini resort is good to take a break. well appointed cottages, great food. however, tiger sightings are few, the rangers are taken up by white skin when it cRead more...
The GANGARAMS ARE dishonest businessmen: AND ....
Reviewed Gangaram's - Bangalore
I have lived in bangalore for a very large part of my life. I love books.I mean I L_O_V_E books and need to be in a bookstore/buy a book every few days... andRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on The_Reviewer's review
will my flight get cancelled...will it? will it? can some one please tell me how much longer it will be delayed? please? please? cheers
Commented on VeniVedi's review
hi veni, i completely agree with the objectiveness of the review. i only find it very strange that the person who requested it (rujkul? ) has not extended the common courtesy of thanking any of the reviewers. unless he is sending m2m emails .....in which case i retract ........... impolite Read More...
Rated on vankamamidi's review
Commented on vankamamidi's review
i dont know what the hell abha is talking about, but heres a tip KABINI IS OWNED BY A PRIVATE COMPANY : JUNGLE LODGES AND RESORTS just fyi
Commented on own review
hi abha. i have been to blossoms, but not being too much of a second hand book person ( i think that is blossoms niche) i dont go there often. as for gangarams, go check it out yourself. thanks for pointing me to your review of blossoms .
Commented on flying_dutchman's review
dbc has a smaller version that they serve in a glass. i think its called brownie chocolat e fudge ...same taste smaller portions. i personally prefer rum ice roy--not too much ice cream but tastes too good
Commented on kidu's review
i think the disposable cups system is a great service to my sense of hygiene---i used to be a huge lakeview fan--but their crockery looks and feels unclean. go there and see what i mean....their ice cream is good though.
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Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)