You are a knight..shining armour and travel far and wide across the kingdom of internet on wild adventures, helping and once in a while being helped by your fellow countrymen. Once during an errand for your fair lady you see yonder beyond the hills a beautiful enchanted woodland called mouthshut. It seems so inviting. You enter it. Many a knight has entered these woods before you, many a knight will, after you.
The reasons for entering these woodlands might be different. Maybe the dragon you have been hunting fled into the deeps of its depths. Maybe you entered out of curiosity, seeking whatever lies within the bosom of these serene woods. Maybe you just wanted to have a long cool drink from its creek and rest for a while before you move on.
As you walk through the rich undergrowth you see something glowing and smooth amongst them. They are there all over the all shapes, sizes and pick one up curiously and gaze through you read through the inscriptions in it, you realise its a review. And its interesting. The magical words in it spill into your soul and you glow with the same aura as the review itself..
You suddenly realise - you have been benefitted!
Now, You are a noble knight, remember? You have had a noble and valiant upbringing. You believe its your duty to give something back to these woodlands, since you have been benefitted from them. And so you summon your magical powers, concentrate all your energies and channel it, as you have been taught by the wizard Shazam and Lo and Behold - a new review is born!
You look adoringly at your creation and carefully place it amidst the rest.
You are tired from the labour. You decide to rest for a while.Before you know you doze off.When you awake you yawn and gaze lazily around the canopy of beauty..Hey wheres your review? Ah! There it is..amongst the rest. But whats that surrounding it? You approach it cautiously..its ratings! someone has been benefitted from your review! Not one but many. And they have even left behind comments! You glow with pride and a smile creeps up your face, scarred from many a battle.
You decide to explore the woodlands more, as you move deeper into the woods, you see reviews lying all over the place...some so beautiful ones, some cheap imitations, some really hideous ones. You realise that the reviews are of all types. You adore the nice ones, you read them and stand in silent awe at the skill of their creators. You stare in disgust at the hideous ones and wonder who created them.
You want to take your sword - the one that has tasted the blood of more than a hundred dragons - and plunge it deep into the heart of the bad reviews - to make it cease to exist, but you cant! some invisible force stops you - and you realise - there are keepers to this enchanted forest - the wood fairies. You are but a mere traveller, you can give from yours, you can take from others, but you cant destroy anything that is given to these woods - its for the invisible keepers of these woodlands, the wood fairies to decide.
Disappointed, you move learn more about the fairies. Their law seems unfair to you at times, but then they are a higher class, the creators of these woodlands - who knows how the mind of fairies work? You are but a mere mortal warrior. You think - may be my fair lady will know, shes a fairy after all. You make a mental note to ask her when you leave these woods.
Whats that sound? Oh my! You see other knights in these woodlands for the first time. You are not alone. Some resting, some creating reviews of their own, some just gazing through the reviews or teaching a novitiate knight how to create a good review. Someone waves at you and smiles. You recognize its one of the people who dropped those velvet comments by your review.
You feel at home among them.
Horses! You didnt know that there were knights riding horses in this forest.They are the Knights of the Star Writer Clan - you overhear someones hushed whisper. You watch with curiosity as a Star Writer knight unmounts the royal stallion and concentrates on creating a review - A bolt of lightning and there it is! A new born review - cute and cuddly - it looks so lovely. You stand in awe at their skill.
But what is this? At the far end by the side of the creek you see a Star Writer Knight create a review that doesnt look all that great. May be you could create a better one, u think in your heart. And all of a sudden you see comments and ratings sprouting around the review as people rush to appreciate the creation.
Why? you wonder..and then you realise - none is perfect, no matter how skilled you are. You remember the day when the great wizard Shazam at the school of CrackMagic accidently chanted the wrong spell - not once, but thrice - and locked his own login account at the school. He had to wait three days in the rain outside while the lock was opened by the master blacksmith summoned from the smoke valley. But you dont distrust the grandmasters skill do you? No - because you have seen him perform feats far better than any. You realise it takes lot of years, training and reviews to become a Star Writer Knight. You even need a self-portrait painted from the juice extracted from the seven magical herbs found deep in the woods, where even the unicorns fear to graze. And then you think, someday you might also become one..and you might also create imperfect reviews.
You move the side of some fine looking branches and foliage you suddenly freeze - frozen statues of knights! You shudder! Whats this? Noble knights, evil knights, mischievious knights, valiant knights - all of them frozen and lifeless. By the side you see a tattered board. Clawed by many in protest, the words are barely visible. Traveller - be warned. Read ye the rules of the land and abide or be flagged - er - frozen!. Some deserve it, you think - but u long to break the icy hold on some of the knights - you have gazed at their reviews and have been benefitted from them in the past. You realise how helpless you are. You who have single-handedly fought against armies and stood tall - but you cant do anything here. You summon an M2M messenger falcon and write a note to the wood fairies and set it free..You summon another and write a note to the expelled knight, hoping that the falcon will know where to find them. Its the least you can do. Life is not all roses you realise. Someday you might hang here wonder if there will be anyone then, to send you warm thoughts on the wings of an M2M falcon to comfort you when you freeze..
Someone taps you on the shoulder, breaking your reverie - its a young knight. You watch him uncertainly bring forward a newly created review. You want to tell him that you are also just as fresh as he is, but you dont. Instead you eye the review like an experienced teacher examining the work of his student and give him pointers. Suddenly it dawns to you, you are no longer a new knight! You are being looked up to, you are responsible for the beauty of this forest just like the rest. It only seemed like a few hours ago when you entered these woods.
You have to move on...time has flown by, its getting late and you have duties to attend to..You walk away slowly...but you know you will be back..Behind, you hear hushed murmurs, people are gathering around the young knight appreciating his work. On the far side of the creek you hear boisterous laughter and merry making - the knights are having a good time. In the dark you see a sparky bright glow. You smile as you see a beautiful review being born. The air fills with the sound of fluttering wings, the M2M falcons are coming home to roost...
You know you will come back...these woods are enchanting..