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Member Since:Sep 10, 2005
0 MS Points
Will not be around in MS for sometime...not sure for how long... Life is getting too tangled..and the more i pull at the ropes, the more tangled its becoming....Hope i can untie this mess. Member of the Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies
About Me
Education: been there...done that
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All in a day's work...
Reviewed Taxi No 9211
Life is funny. You spend a major part of ur life educating urself and someday u realise that u learned nothing...Most people continue with their life just likRead more...
Bowled over...
Reviewed Iqbal
This Subhash Ghai venture is a fine movie - and I emphasise the fine - and no, before u ask - u dont need to be a cricket fan to enjoy it. Nagesh Kukunoor hasRead more...
Jingle ads, jingle ads, jingle all the way..
Reviewed Ten Best Television Commercial Jingles
Usually when I write about something thats not exactly a product, u can be sure that I got this itch all over me to write, but havent got anything worth whileRead more...
Bhoot Kaal...
Reviewed Kaal
I saw KAAL yesterday. I am usually on my backfoot while watching movies of new directors - they usually get too ambitious with their virgin venture and try toRead more...
The untouchables...
Reviewed Family - Ties of Blood
I have decided to update myself a bit on some past releases in bollywood that I have missed out on. So yesterday I reached home armed with a DVD of KAAL and FRead more...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Rang De Basanti(RDB) is a combination of great sets and cast, wonderfully well thought out dialogues and scenarios, a colorful celebration of our country.....Read more...
Be inspired!
Reviewed Five Best Inspirational Songs
Phew! Im almost out of breath! just couldnt help rushing in with this last review before winding up 2005 - folding it nicely, smoothing away all the crumplesRead more...
...about apes, ladies and 'special' effects...
Reviewed King Kong (New)
Friday evenings are when I hang around with friends for a coupla rounds of beer. We gossip about our work, bosses and ladies at our respective offices :) YestRead more...
Reviewed Neal N Nikki
Sorry. There was no other way in which I could title this review to do justice to my feelings and still get away without getting banned from MS. Neal N NikkiRead more...
Of salvations and damnations
Reviewed The Serpent's Kiss
I had once logged into MS wanting to write a review on this, but I didnt find the topic and was too lazy to add it in mouthpad. This time, I persisted:-) I hRead more...
Lead, kindly light, amid th' encircling gloom...
Reviewed Can there be peace in a world of sudden terror
PRELUDE Ran across this topic, thanks to a certain gravedigger at MS..read couple, wanted to leave. cant. Debated in my mind if I should write or not. now u Read more...
Quo Vadis?
Reviewed Bardaasht
Let me confess..i didnt see this movie from the beginning...last week I was back at my couch late night before the teevee with nothing better to do with my tiRead more...
Good concepts badly presented...
Reviewed The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr. Joseph Murphy
The human brain is beyond our comprehension. There have been so many attempts to understand it all through the ages...right from the Bhagavat Geeta that stateRead more...
Dwelling on the dark side..
Reviewed Mouthshut
Prologue: I love MS...read my general thoughts on MS to see what I feel...but I would be a hypocrite if I didnt write on what I feel about the daRead more...
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
You are a knight..shining armour and all..you travel far and wide across the kingdom of internet on wild adventures, helping and once in a while being helped Read more...
Fun filled adventure
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean
Welcome aboard, mate. This is ur Capn Sparrow..for the next two and a half hrs you will join me as we embark on an adventure that has everything to makeRead more...
Musings of a movie watcher
Reviewed Tips on Watching Movies
I dont know why I am writing a review on advice on watching movies.i had thought that I was not theadvising type, but then again, I was surprised Read more...
Trade of Death
Reviewed Assassins
I was leisurely browsing through the movie section of MS, reading reviews when I came across assassins - I was surprised to see only one review for the movie.Read more...
Van and the vampires..
Reviewed Van Helsing
What do you get when you pick all the main gothic horror creatures, put them in a cauldron, add some holy water , put a fire underneath it , grind and stir itRead more...
Its different alright...but is it good?
Reviewed Darna Mana Hai
Let me first run through the plot quickly. I guess everyone knows it by now - six friends get stuck in a forest one night when their cars break down..they makRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on magicalsummer's review
long time no see...pity im not in that list!!! :)) lolol...kidding..how are u doing these days?
not without my dad :( holidays will never be the same without him....
Rated on chand_tare's review
Commented on chand_tare's review
nice coming back and reading stuff like this about MS...makes me wanna come back more often.. u are true to ur feelings and u know how to pen them admirably too..thats one great combination..explains why i like reading ur reviews. well written.:)
Rated on prasidddha's review
Rated on patenik2's review
Rated on magicalsummer's review
Rated on jodihayes's review
Commented on jodihayes's review
cant wait to see this movie.. Depp's just too cool! looks like the movie has more depth than the previous one. hmm...i myself wasnt around at MS for some time..today's my first day back..been trying to read reviews of all my fav writers and seems that many of them are AWOL...glad u are back.. Read More...
Commented on krazy4sonu's review
i been thru this..and im back in MS too..well Kinda at least. I mean...some months before my life got so caught up, i had to give up many 'lesser priority things' including MS, sadly. Havent been in this site for some months now..today i sneaked in after so long and get to read ur review about Read More...
Commented on prasidddha's review
I havent seen the movie, but i guess enough bits and pieces for me to know whats waiting. Might watch it probably this week. I liked the last sentence of ur review best. True he has succeeded...and also true - to an extent. Its still early days for themes such as this in bollywood, so to be over- Read More...
Commented on patenik2's review
cool review..the movie seems like something i'd like to watch. why did u take the story from yahoo? You are as good a story-teller as anyone i have seen :)..lack of time? will surely check out this movie at my lending library. c u around
God.ur review made me sad. Reminds me of all those things i've lost. Well written, magical..made me imagine ur village and crowded family house :)
Commented on chutnose94's review
I have read eldest..but i couldnt lay my hands on Eregon, so i cant comment much on that. But judging Eldest, i think Paolini is a pretty gifted writer..though the book lagged in imagination at times.. hmmm..i think u shud pour more thoughts into ur review...just a thot. ciao
Rated on chutnose94's review
Well written review, nik.. The movie seems dark and pragmatic..and ur review captured the spirit well. My religions beliefs are like urs too... I dont believe in religious men...but i have known a few in the pas who have done genuine good... I dont see them as god men....but i certainly do Read More...
One of those movies i want to see..but havent...guess its because i a kinda averse to period settings in bollywood..hmmmm But ur review makes me feel its a good effort..so im gonna go ahead and see it... As mayank said..nice thing to read such reviews first thing in the morning. Great work! Read More...
Rated on krazy4sonu's review
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