Ok. First things first, lets get this straight. I a m not frustrated, nor I am unhappy, so dont chip in with your silly remarks that I have lost it completely.
I am saying that you should have been taught to grow up, study hard and then do something on your own of course there are ups and downs, there is trauma, there is ingenuity, there is perseverance and there is agony.
But then, all of that is for you.Not for some smart CEO, who gives a damn to you anyways. Dont believe? Walk out one day and see if anything happens.Nothing. See- I - told - you - so.
None of the jobs I am seeing today are great jobs, and the best you could find among them are mediocre.
Like they say, whats life like, if we lived it mediocre?
Nahi nahi beta..When you work, you will have the good feeling of money coming in every month - how crappy!
Along with that fat packet, you also get a bucket full of venom, your genuine multi-billion dollar ideas get thwarted, you are made to run pillar to post, there is not a word of encouragement, the gyms, chill-out places are not there in every other work-place.
Basically, most jobs suck. And most of us get sucked into them.
Oh, OK - IT companies are awesome, right? Wrong - Jobs are satisfying, well paid, great places to work and you are NEVER HOME.
What about your family? That gardening you wanted to do? That movie you wanted to watch? Gone to hell. Blown to pieces. All of 50000 rupees going nowhere.
You have fun, Honey!
If I had known, I would not be writing nonsensical drivel like this here, but then here is my 2 cents worth.
Do the following.
Join Amway, Oriflame, HLN or something like that. They have awesome products and you could make some pocket money ( I am not including the IT guys in this - please, you better follow up with your family)
Get a grip of your life and spell out terms with your boss. Who cares? Yeah, right. If you were really that good, your boss should let you have your way.
keep writing on mouthshut.com - liberates you.
make friends with me.
go out and plant a seed.
make someones day.
I am not sorry about all this nonsense - I am going through a writers block.
keep writing.