Writing in this review just as a piece of information for any would be cooler buyers.
I stay in western part of India where the climatic conditions w.r.t temperature and humidity are almost alike.i.e Mumbai and Goa.
Have been thinking for quite a long time to buy a cooler considering its aspects which I gathered from various sources such as low cost factor, portability between rooms, low power consumption etc. to name a few.
I did go ahead this time in the beginning of April 2011 when the heat was just picking up and bought a Kenstar 18litre 9924 model for Rs.5500.
The first operation released some cool air with a marginal temperarure difference.With this, it was also making the room more humid and I was literally sweating with the cooler ON for about 30 minutes.The cooler claims to be suitable for humid climate!
The data gathered from internet suggested that cooler must have a fresh air inlet and the exhaust should be directed at an open window, ceiling Fan should be operational etc.These are ideal conditions and not available everywhere including mine.
After using it for 3-4 days I started having breathing troubles due to the moist air breathing and the subsequent cold also followed.
That was it and I decided to get rid of this one.Finally exchanged it for an Air conditioner for 4 times the cooler price.Luck was in my favour that the dealer was willing to exchange this waste item.(Any way he would have got his premium by pricing the AC, I had rather no options)
My opinion on air coolers now is that
-They are only(may be)5% better that a table / ceiling fan.
-They make the area Humid with the person ending up with sticky and moist skin.
-Try and install an AC instead, it will cost you more, but the investment in cooler will be a complete waste, going to a dustbin.
These comments refer to only humid regions as I have seen.
Best to avoid these areas.