If your looking for advice on buying a bike you wont find it in this review. What you will find is some dos and not to dos when riding a bike from one womans experience.
When I turned the big 40 I made a list of all the things I would like to do with the rest of my life and one of those was to ride a bike.
One cold rainy April day I took a bus to meet an online pal who had a bike. I arrived at the bus station and he was not there as he was coming from a further distance and had called to say he would be late as he had run into some heavy rain along the way.
I was very nervous and at the same time very excited as this was going to be my chance to make a dream come true.
It was after dark when he arrived and very rainy, cold, wind blowing and not a great way to start my adventure so we decided to wait until daylight. I guess I decided as I was not about to get on in the dark and with slippery roads and the bike was much bigger than I thought.
The next day there was no putting it off. He had to get the bike up to the sidewalk and get some help getting me on as I am short legged and was having a heck of a time. Once on off we went and my only instructions were to hang onto his belt and do what he did.
I was shaking like a leaf by this time but determined. The sun had come out but it was so cold. I never realised the difference in temperature there would be while riding the bike so made a mental note if I was to ever do this again to dress warmer.While riding it feels much colder with the wind at your back then if you were walking but then I never knew any of this ahead of time.
I also learned that you should have a lesson or two before taking a long ride. You are very vulnerable out there.
We got onto an 8 lane highway heading for our destination with cars pulling on from all directions. Sure enough in the blink of an eye we were almost killed. This is why I suggest some lessons first.
A car zoomed in on the right of us and the next few seconds were a blur. I did what he did there was no time to ask anything. The car missed us by an eighth of an inch and we had to veer off the road. He said I did exactly what I should have but the thought had flashed through his mind that if I didnt we would have been killed.
It was enough to shake me up pretty bad and the rest of the way my legs were glued to the bike. When we arrived it took 4 men to get me off. I was so tense my legs had locked.
Anyway the ride back was fantastic. It was warmer and I was not even hanging on. Its such a feeling of freedom it is hard to explain.
I suggest make sure you have the proper clothing, carry a cell phone in case of emergencies, know what you are doing, neve ride a bike that is too big for your size and by all means wear a helmet.
I am sorry if this review is not up to par. I am just coming back from a long absense from Mouth shut.