Let me present two very compelling reasons on why you should convert your car from being pure petrol driven to a car that is a petrol - LPG hybrid(and if you have converted, why you should be proud of it).
The highest price of auto LPG is around Rs 37 per liter. Even in this scenario you are still saving at least Rs 23 per liter whereas your loss of power is only approx. 25% which means even at these crazy prices your per liter NET savings is not less than Rs 17.25 !
Those of you who have converted to auto LPG have two very good reasons to be proud -(a) you are saving on a per liter basis whereas fools like me living in no lpg areas are paying almost Rs 60 per liter for petrol and(b) You are the proud owner of a bi-fuel hybrid car.
https://cng-lpg-conversion.com (a very good website for all things CNG / LPG), defines a hybrid car as any car that uses non-traditional(diesel / petrol) fuel.
By the way, did you know that if your car were to run on only auto LPG it would be a lot safer than a car that runs on petrol or diesel? This is because(a) the LPG tank is incredibly strong - it takes a lot of force to rupture it, (b) there are a lot fail safe devices built into your LPG kit and(c) If exposed(in the unlikely event of a rupture), auto LPG instantly vaporizes resulting in instant drop in concentration and therefore, very reduced chance of a explosion.
Clincher: With auto lpg your car engine runs much cooler and therefore has lower maintenance cost too.
I await the day when a auto LPG pump will start somewhere near my residence so I too can convert. Meanwhile those of you who have auto LPG pumps in your area but have yet to convert . what are you waiting for? and those who have converted, Congratulations! I know you will feel happy knowing that fools like me pay Rs 60 per liter whereas you pay only Rs 37. you guys make me jealous!