Cooking is a process of preparing food that enable us to survive healthy but there are some tips on cooking to add extra flavour to your cooked food .,
Most important that always keep your kitchen neat and clean
make sure to clean the leftover as quickly as after food is prepare so to avoid breeding of becteria and germs .
1) .please keep this point in mind always that after cooking is done then dont forget to close the cylinders knob as it would be disastarous if ignored .
Also make sure to have regular servicing of gas kit to avoid any leakage that can trigger any mishap .
2) .Before cooking , take enough time to actually read the receipes thoroughly before starting cooking .
3) .To save time always use sharp knive because it is safe as well as efficeint that will save your time.
4) .For baking , always try to leave butter and eggs at room temperature for sufficient time t get best results .
5) .While chopping vegetables , spread some salt on the chooping board so it will avoid or keep the vegetable from spreading and felling around.
6) .Always wash hands before start to cook as it avoid becteria and germs that you would be carrying with dirty hands to spoil food .
So be smart coook .