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Uttar pradesh
Member Since:Oct 13, 2017
6500 MS Points
I am easygoing
About Me
Education: B.tech ( Electronics & communication)
Food and Drinks: Sprite & Shahi paneer with tandoori rotiBooks: Chetan bhagatMovie Stars: Akshay kumarMovies: Gabbar is backT.V. Shows: The kapil sharma showMusic: Soft musicQuotes: Life means to learn from past stay with present and dont think about future.
Food and Drinks: Sprite & Shahi paneer with tandoori roti
Books: Chetan bhagat
Movie Stars: Akshay kumar
Movies: Gabbar is back
T.V. Shows: The kapil sharma show
Music: Soft music
Quotes: Life means to learn from past stay with present and dont think about future.
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Internet should be used but safely
Reviewed Tips on Internet Friendships
With the advent of Internet , today we are witnenessing manifold advantages as well as disadvantages . As everything has its Pros and Cons so ineRead more...
Sell but to genuine person
Reviewed Tips On Selling a Car
Selling your old car is a bit of hectic task because it takes to much effort to find a legitimate customer and with suitable prices so there are some tips onRead more...
Anger is dangerous
Reviewed Tips on How to Control Anger
Anger is something which outrage us.As today we are seeing people very insensitive toward any thing which is only due to thier anger i.e short temperdness SoRead more...
Gender inequality
Reviewed Views on Gender Inequality
Gender inequality is one the widespread evil in our society and it basically implies that girls are intellectually inferior that the male counterpart but it iRead more...
India is a diverse country.....
Reviewed General Tips on Travel in India
India is a very diverse country having uncountable different places having mesmerising tourist places that has been attracting foreigners for many year&Read more...
Travel is very useful ........
Reviewed General tips on Travel
Travelling is a kind of adventure activity which we often tempted to have it We generally when got bored off by our same hectic life so it is very useful to Read more...
Travel but with medicines
Reviewed Tips on Travel Medicines
One of the prerequisite for the travel is to carry medicines while travelling beacuse no 0ne knows where we get any medical casuality so it is necessary to beRead more...
Autorickshaw is unsafe
Reviewed Tips on Traveling in Autorickshaws
Autorickshaw is a convenient mode of transport but it is unsafe too so there are some tips to follow while travelling in autorickshaw. 1) .Before boarding inRead more...
Parents are very conciouss
Reviewed Tips on Parenting
Parents are responsible for the modelling of behaviour of their child and the kind of PARENTING they provide to their child is key factor that shape his/her fRead more...
Buses are more comfortable .......
Reviewed Tips on Traveling in Buses
With buses , we often travel but ever we taken care of precautions and tips to be followed while travelling in buses because it is very necessary to follow soRead more...
Travel to temple
Reviewed Tips on Travelling to Religious Places
Ok india is a diverse country with thousands of religions being practised in different parts of country So we generally travel to diffrent religious places aRead more...
Steal surely some time to read ....
Reviewed General Tips on Stealing Time to Read
With our busy schedule , we sometime find it difficult to find any time to read something say book , newspaper etc.but studying is a continuous process and weRead more...
Travel etiquette's are necessary
Reviewed General Tips on Travel Etiquettes
We often travel to different places either by train or plane but you need to be aware of your conduct in public So that to strech your comfort you cantRead more...
Fresh food to be cooked
Reviewed Tips on Cooking food
Cooking food is a very essential task that generally carried out by a women so to feed her family but the way of cooking food matter a lot especially taste deRead more...
Eye care is important
Reviewed General Tips on Eye Care
Eyes are one of the precious thing we humans have and it is vulnerable and very sensitive to so we need to save it as well , hence there are some tips oRead more...
Earn more
Reviewed Tips on Earning Through Internet
Internet has become a basic necessity for all of us today and it has more monetary benefit that individual can reap if he/she has knowledge So there are someRead more...
Cooking is clean process
Reviewed General Tips on Cooking
Cooking is a process of preparing food that enable us to survive healthy but there are some tips on cooking to add extra flavour to your cooked food ., Most Read more...
Purchase it but check before
Reviewed General Tips on Books
Books are integral part of our education and correctly reading and inferring content from it is very essential to fetch the knowledge by any reader but also iRead more...
Primary education is important
Reviewed Importance Of Primary Education
Primary education is a foundation of our education system and it is impossible to bypass it if we want to further study . so some important aspects of primarRead more...
Lonavala is bad
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Lonavala - Pune
Dominos lonavala outlet is I think the worst ever I saw in my life because 3 months ago , I have been to this so called oulet and I ordered two piRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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