Fashion changes with the changing trends and the Fashion or the Style is one of the most significant aspects which distinguishes one celebrity from the other. It might be surprising to hear that choosing a dress or a shoe or even a handbag best suited to your looks could make you greatly presentable!
Although I am not a great ultra-modern woman, I think I could give you some Fashion / Makeup tips in order to make you more presentable and well-turned-out! Different style of dressings are required for different seasons / Physiques.
For the Online to Direct Friendships:
Don’t laugh at me if I tell you that the maximum number of people who need real help about choosing the appropriate fashionable clothing are those who have been chatting online with someone for quite a few months and finally decide on meeting up with them. They try to seek advices to the highest number of people possible and finally give up the idea of the meeting just because they think that they are not fit to be exposed to the new friend, which they commonly imagine might probably result in a break of the friendship due to their unsatisfactory dressing. My sincere advice to such people is that, A REAL FRIEND SHOULD LIKE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE & NOT BY THE WAY HE EXPECTS YOU TO BE!
Anyway, this is not the right spot to move on to maudlin advices and all I need to present are a few useful fashion tips.
For the Office-Goers:
•Choosing a subtle but clear oil-free makeup to the office would give you an official look.
•Application of moisturizer on the face and exposed parts of the body before starting off with makeup will keep the skin soft & moist throughout the day as you are expected to be in the office for more than 8 hours. This would prevent a dry look!
•Even-application of a little diluted foundation on the face would make it brighter. Subsequently, you can just apply your compact powder at the office jus’ to look fresh.
•Application of liquid eye-liner followed by a single quote of mascara would give you a brighter look.
•Final application of lip-stick(shade best suited to your dress) – after the first application, blot it with tissue paper and then apply it for the second time. This gives a beautiful look even for subtle colours and the lipstick is evenly spread on your lips.
•Most offices have dress-codes and for the others, choosing your dresses during weekends itself for the forthcoming days of the week would avoid last minute unsatisfactory dressing. Dresses you propose to choose are completely dependent on what you are allowed to wear as per the rules of the office.
Dressing for a warm / hot climate:
During a warm or a really hotter climate, the following are some of the tips for choosing a suitable dress:
•Light-weighted cotton dresses would provide comfort and helps to move perspiration and sucks away the heat from the body.
•Light colour dresses will absorb less heat and so would keep the body fresh & cooler.
•Sleeveless or short sleeved tops would prevent a soaky feeling.
•Application of mild floral body spray would give you a nice-smell throughout the day.
A few Cool Tips – Formal / Informal Dressing:
•For Black coloured Tuxedos choosing a different coloured shoe would not give a complete formal look or sometimes may turn out to be really odd. So, do choose only black shoes & socks for Black or any dark coloured tuxedos and white shoes & socks to be chosen for white tuxedos alone.
•Choosing a frame-less specs would give you a majestic look along with your Tuxedo.
•During a cold / winter season, dark coloured Suits viz., dark grey, blue, black etc. would make you look good for business meets / interviews.
•Paying little bit of attention on simple things viz., polished shoes, neatly ironed shirts, wearing suitable nail-polish & lipsticks etc. etc. would really make you very presentable.
•For the Jeans lovers, first of all, many jeans styles and the colours clash and look very bad when worn in a contrast combination. They would only worsen your looks. If your jeans are in a light shade, do choose a light coloured jacket which best matches with your pants. For dark shades of jeans slacks, a light coloured jacket would be fine but not vice-versa.
•For tight-jeans, tiny jackets would be very good-looking.
•For the shrinking fashionable clothing lovers, I think those men could better keep wearing these shrunken clothes for informal or enjoyable outings alone. Wearing such stuffs for parties(personally while I had visited a party, this is my experience) would only make people look at you with apathy. It would definitely not give you any better opinion in others.
•If you are formally dressed for a Party, until you reach the party place, it is recommended that the Jacket is not worn. Putting it on just before entering the party hall, would give it a very neat look. The same advice with Duppattas worn with Ghagraa Cholis / Salwars. Getting in and out of the car would shrivel it.
But one sincere advice from me – whatever be the comments of the people around you, choose whatever style you feel is best suited to you which would really boost up your self-confidence, because in practicality, a person criticizing sometimes even your good make-up might not even be worth looking at! Remember that people ready to disparage are more than the ones ready to encourage you.
Opt for colours which you think would give you an enthusiastic mood in accordance with different situations / occasions. Also, your feeling comfortable and perfect by your makeup / dressing is much more important than what others think about your style. Due to too much of artificial or trendy-crazy way of dressing, there is a possibility that your real personality might probably get lost!
Hope you all had liked the review. Do provide me with your valuable RRCs.
*Bye for now,
Jaya (I have to start right away to dress up for my office ……. yawn yawn yawn …. hey, no other go!)
P.S.: I might not have covered or probably even touched the real “FASHION”, but this is basically a combination of makeup / some essential dressing tips, which I thought might be useful to my dear MSians. I would appreciate an informative & really educative review from a real Fashionite & I do assure to be the first person to RRC it!