Online shopping is here to stay and there is no denying this fact.
What with the ease and comfort of getting your favourite product at your door step, shopping has taken on a new dimension. But with all the goodies offered by the various online shopping portals, especially during festive seasons, it would make sense to exercise a little restraint before taking the final step of placing orders.
This is more so with electronic items. Look, when you invest in a costly piece of gadgetry, it makes a lot of sense to be able to physically feel and see the product and test it out first hand. And then there is also the question of warranty offered by the company selling the product. Like we all know, to avail the benefit of services offered under the warranty, the warranty card has to be stamped and signed for it to be of any use.
But any way, coming back to a product. Suppose you want to purchase a music system, now wouldnt you want to listen to the sound out-put that the system has to offer? Wouldnt you like to tweak around with the controls and feel the music surround you? Or for that matter get to know what all the various signs and symbols represent on the remote? Now would you be able to do this online?
Lets understand one thing, everything has its pros and cons and for us a consumers, we need to know this and proceed with a little restraint and not get too caught up in the hype!
Happy shopping.!