Now a days online shopping is a trending. No one want to go outside for a single product. In online website you can find many different product in a same category so why you will waste your time in going outside. But in my opinion its not a safe option for us. Because many fraud seller are associated with those types of website so always be careful.
I discus some important tips which may help you in online shopping.
1.Always visit a trusted and popular website.
2.Know about their customer service.
3.Read customer review very carefully about the product as well as the seller and delivery company. It is most important thing. price by visiting other website.
5.Dont buy any average or below rating product.
6.Always try to make online transaction so that delivery boy will not cheat with your money.
7.After delivery always make a unboxing video with any good quality phone or camera.
8.Try to open the box in front of the delivery boy.
9.Always save a screen shot of the transaction page in your computer.
10.If any incident happens like you receive duplicate/different product. Dont be panic. Make a call to customer care. email them in details with photo and unboxing video and complain at your nearest police station.