Last week I came to know about this Hair color through someone who recommended it to me saying this is a new hair color in the market and while all other Indian Brands take 40-45 mins. to color, this will take only 5 mins. to color the hair. So I must try it once.
As per the given instructions, I used this color on my hair only for 5 mins. washed my hair but within 10-15 seconds my face was full of red rashes and fluffy patches, my eyes swollen. I took an anti-allergic tablet but it still kept on effecting me to the level that my bp went down and I collapsed. My relatives took me to hospital and I was in ICU for two days fighting with this allergy. By gods grace, I am now fine and out of hospital. But I wish to inform all concerned that please do not try or experiment with such things, they can lead to dangerous results as it happened with me.
And this is not an Indian brand, may be thats why is not suitable to our weather conditions. So pelase do not ever try this brand.