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Member Since:Jun 07, 2012
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Attention all HDFC Credit card holders
Reviewed HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card
I have been a customer of HDFC bank since last so many years and was also having the HDFC Master Credit card with me. Recently, my Relationship Manager in NeRead more...
Safe Shopping Experience
Reviewed Ebay
Recently I was searching for buying some products online, when I went through Ebay. I liked one T-shirt (girls) and one frock (for a 4 year girl).  I boRead more...
Deadly Hair Color
Reviewed General Tips on Personal Grooming
Last week I came to know about this Hair color through someone who recommended it to me saying this is a new hair color in the market and while all other IndiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on abitripathi's review
you should never give any papers to anyone who calls you....even I was duped once by citi bank cr.card ppl. They are all fake. Instead you should call bank itself and ask for someone to come.
Commented on anilss's review
This person himself doesn't know any correct full sentence in English so he should not criticise others for the same thing. If he likes Aircel, he should go back to Aircel company. No where he has explained what the exact problem is.
Rated on anilss's review
Commented on own review
By the way the product which I used was a Korean product, name : Richhena. I saw few of its advt. also on internet. Please do not use this product, when I contacted these people on mail, they were very rude to me, don't know why. Really its a deadly product, Richhenna.
Commented on pratibha123's review
You should have tried Thomas cook, amazing organizers, very experienced and everything is crystal clear on their website. I just had a memorable trip with them.
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