*Note:- If this review inspires someone even to think about quitting smoking then I would be Happy.
Cigarette is one of the perfect products, which does not need too much marketing. It speaks for it self and sale it self in all age groups. This is very cheap addiction which can be afford by anybody and any ware and by all levels of status. This does not restrict itself not to be consume any ware any place like alcohol.
As title says definition of cigarette: - Fire at one end & Fool at another YES I was fool and fooling myself for long time….Now I am very happy to say that I have quit smoking and became wise man:)
How People Start Smoking.
1) What happens! Let’s just try once?
This is the basic cause of start smoking people think that lets have experience of all the things in life so just smoke once cigarette. These people are very confident that they will smoke only once cigarette and quit or they will never touch again. Most of the time 95% this theory fails and you get one more new smoker.
*2)Friend offers you! Come on Take a puff. Be a Man.
*When you are in new collage with new friends sitting in canteen or at favorite meeting place and one of the Friends offer you one puff and you say No, he offers again and says Take a puff be a Man. In addition, you think on background(How to Say No? this will spoil my impression in my NEW friend Circle I will loose my friends), eventually you agree to take a puff and it ends up with too many puffs as regular smoker.
3)You become familiar/Curious with smoke because your family member smokes.
This is common case where small children see their parents smokes in homes in front of them. These children grow up with the cigarette smell and do not see any wrong in smoking and in sometime they start smoking moreover even their parents do not see anything odd to see their child smoking in front of them.
4)On the other hand, you get Wrong information: - By Smoking, you can relieve tension.
This is very common case in college Students to have relief from exam tension, problems in relationships, to overcome fear factor, smoking cigarette gives confidence to overcome all the worries or problems. AND they smoke cigarette after cigarette and still at the end there problems, worries are at same place where they are.
*5)Age group problem.
*Kids are coming out of their shell. Going from their teens to adulthood facing the biological change in their bodies and not able to cope with the new changes mentally and do not get grooming or moral support when they need it. Everyone of those try to look at the escape routs, some kids end up with good hobbits and some with smoking(drinking as well). Another classic case is One of the influence on these kids is their favorite idols(most of the times film heroes) smokes, so they try to copy him and his style and end up with addiction.
*6)People stop chewing tobacco and start smoking.
*These people are already addicted to tobacco and gets fed up of chewing tobacco so what is the alternative? Let’s smoke(another form of using tobacco). And people start smoking while trying to give up chewing tobacco habit "what is the end result! these people keep chewing tobacco and adds new form of addiction i.e. smoking. Eventually they have both the forms of addictions. Which multiply the health problems
*Why people continue cigarette Smoking?
1)To socialize.
*Most of the them keep smoking just to socialize in their office circle, in friends. Ideally I think they are not very much addicted but can not overcome of Social factor attached to the smoking. In this case people smoke in office in callage in cafes or some time(most of the times) to give company to other say in party "hey I don’t drink but I can give you company with coffee/mock tail/ fruit juice and cigarette.
*2)As status symbol.
*Oh he/she is rich. Have nice big car, Expensive Cloths with all this luxury how you can miss the cigarette!-? it has to be there. while driving, in party, in café, in front of friends holding Costly pack of cigarette.
*3)To Show off.
*Well status symbol and Show off goes together I need not write too much for this but both the things goes hand in hand. Other thinking is Smoking cigarette looks good on Me. This particular ideology is often seen in teenagers. They try to follow the rock star with Style.
*4)Killing time.
*Smoke to kill time this goes and compliment with different types of reasons say .i am waiting for someone, waiting for bus, railway. Girlfriend, friends basic is just have one or more cigarette while waiting.
*Hey are you a party animal? do you party late night then you must smoke and drink otherwise you are not qualify this category. And you have to smoke costly cigarette and that to with Style. With typical lines "Hey dude do you have lights on?"
*This is something very serious issue one is addicted to tobacco(Nicotine) products and needs too many efforts to come out of it. This category does not need any reason to smoke. They need Big Reason to quit which they often do not find!
Most of the time these people quit cigarette every night saying this is my last cigarette I will not smoke from tomorrow and next day "What if I will smoke only one cigarette today!"
*7)To loose Wight(for girls).
*Now days this trend or you can say craze in girls to smoke to maintain their body posture, theory is smoking causes the loss of appetite So use this theory to maintain body posture Smoke.loss appetite Eat less maintain figure. 100% Rubbish practical use of this theory.
*Disadvantages of Smoking
( this information I have collected from web and compiled https://quit-smoking-stop.com/
* A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup(210 g) of tar in a year.Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs. Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain put on your body by smoking often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis repeatedly, and suffer lung and heart failure. Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers.
So concluding statement life is beautiful let’s make most of it. There are too many beautiful things are there to taken care of to decorate you life style other then smoking. Choose life not tobacco.