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Member Since:Jul 14, 2006
0 MS Points
I am In It Industry [Working hard]. Loves and enjoy Light Country Music. some times try to lay my hands in cooking and try to experiment on People with different recipe [I think I am best cook :))) ]. I am not that extrovert but Loves invite friends for dinner or over lunch, most of the free time I like to spend In home with family. Computers ,Explore new things. Food, Cooking.,Study,Writing. Movies:- 1) Life is Beautiful ( 1997 Roberto Benigni ) 2) A Summer Story ( 1988 Imogen Stubbs ) 3) The Guardian (2006 Kevin Costner ) 4) A Few Good Men (1992 Rob Reiner ) 5) A Beautiful Mind (2001)
About Me
Education: PG
Food and Drinks: Single Malt.Movies: A Summer Story ( 1988 Imogen Stubbs )T.V. Shows: any light ComedyMusic: Light Country MusicQuotes: Life is beautiful,Lets Make most of it.
Food and Drinks: Single Malt.
Movies: A Summer Story ( 1988 Imogen Stubbs )
T.V. Shows: any light Comedy
Music: Light Country Music
Quotes: Life is beautiful,Lets Make most of it.
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~Liquid Gold in Green Bottle~ from French Woods.
Reviewed Glenlivet 15 French Oak Reserve
Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough.~ Mark Twain. Above quote apply to Glenlivet 15 year Old(French Oak Reserve)Read more...
Is Chivas Regal is GOOD as much it Claim to be ?
Reviewed Chivas Regal
It’s an injustice to any BRAND to say it is BAD or not GOOD unless you use/consume it several times. so now I am writing this article after so many years afteRead more...
Credit Card ( CC ), Who Earns? who Pays?
Reviewed Credit Cards Financial Help or Financial Hurt
The answer of the Question asked in Title is BANK Earns and YOU Pays(Extra to bank+ Extra 2% to vendor). Once upon a time I was very fascinated with CC I thiRead more...
Cigarette: -Fire at one end & Fool at another.
Reviewed General Tips on Smoking
*Note:- If this review inspires someone even to think about quitting smoking then I would be Happy. Cigarette is one of the perfect products, which does not Read more...
Understand and Compare Plan with your need First.
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
My Impression:- Good service Good Network. Need to keep pinging Customer Care people to chip out some rough edges in service. So over all 7/10 to Idea celRead more...
Designing a Steering Wheel for maruti Alto.
Reviewed Tips on Modifications and Enhancement in Cars
How about designing a Steering Wheel which soothes your Both Palms when you are on Drive Say from Zero to infinite miles? This is might be a common difficultRead more...
Black & White Good impression of Scotch whisky
Reviewed Black & White
Black & White this is one of the Scotch whiskey I liked and after enjoying it for some time I am writing review on it. OK First Let me tell you this is good/Read more...
Antiquity :- A party time Blended Whisky.
Reviewed Antiquity
Ok Antiquity. I tested this whisky in office party(Courtesy my Senior) OK That what first time AND in office party with NEW Drink I did not wanted spoil my EvRead more...
McDowell Single Malt One which Good In Indian Mal
Reviewed McDowell Single Malt
There is Irish Saying "If whisky and Butter can not cure, There is NO cure For" So given a choice in Butter and Whisky I have chosen whisky|:) As we know oneRead more...
Nokia 2610 The best for 4060/- ( value for money
Reviewed Nokia 2610
I have already written review on Nokia 2100 , after buying it for 2.5 years. Since its battery was going Down and new battery cost was 1400/- (INR) I thought Read more...
Alto Lxi Cool/Small/Nice/Best Entry level Car.
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 LXi
I have been doing research for almost 6 months (for cars) before I bought my Car Alto Lxi. And hear I am writing this review on Alto Lxi after I have drivenTRead more...
Nokia 2100 Small Simple and good for use & handy
Reviewed Nokia 2100
Hi all , Actually my job does not required cell phone ….but now days being accessible is one of the Major issues that why I bought Nokia 2100 phone. Well doRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on glennsatur's review
1. Touchy 2. Good Review. 3 Yes Old Monk is Best ....................................................Cheers
Rated on glennsatur's review
Commented on sudipmaitra's review
''9. NO FM RADIO --hah hah hah... you are at stone age. '' ....it seems They ARE :) good review to the very point and to the each point. good one .
Rated on sudipmaitra's review
Commented on own review
Good catch sudipmaitra , Thanks for reading review so carefully ..Typo btw corrected , Thanks again.
Thanks For Comment Dr.Rajiv Cheers , Indeed Glenlivet Best , and my favorite , Or Should I say our favorite :D
ShaunSchon , Thanks for reading the review and for rating, its all about the matter of Test and it differ from person to person.
Commented on ssgagandeep's review
'I would recommend everyone not to take loan from ICICI bank. ' , you are not the first one to recommend that :) good review -Rahul
Rated on ssgagandeep's review
Rated on vizeet's review
Rated on Pranalivg's review
Commented on sandeepmehta_1's review
Hay Sandeep, 'why IITs could not produce even a single Nobel laureate, the movie clearly gives an answer' .. YOU SAID IT. very good review keep writing.... Rahul
Rated on sandeepmehta_1's review
Rated on ashford's review
Commented on RAJAT_SARIN's review
Well Rajat ..I did give 'Useful' to your review for the Good efforts put in to showcase the JBL , BUT after all in my view its blended whisky .. not single malt this difference is same as alloy and Gold :D ( ofcourse single malt being Gold ) Anyways Rajat cheers.. Rahul
Rated on RAJAT_SARIN's review
Rated on ABond's review
Commented on ABond's review
I would not suggest to spend so much on blended whisky - Rahul
Rated on sondurmadan's review
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