We often travel to different places either by train or plane but you need to be aware of your conduct in public
So that to strech your comfort you cant let others to suffer
Hence we should have some etiquettes while travelling and they are : -.
Most important that while in a train/bus/filght if in case you are tempted to strech so dont invade on a fellow passengers space and irritate other by your misconduct.
1) .Always set the lugguage so that they fit into compartment , so to avoid other struggle due to your oversized bag.
2) .If you do like listening music , make sure you are the only that can hear it i.e dont disturb others.
3) .Always make sure to maitain cleanliness and hygiene at your end while travelling in public transport .
4) .Always show generosity by extending help by way of sharing your seats with them.
5) .Always while in a queue either in train or flight try to be patient and dont argue with fellow passeger over any push-pull because in crowd it happens.
6) .Never talk excessively or dont talk in an arrogant way intently to insult any community because it might cause you to be in some altercation with some people.
So have good behaviours during travel.