Hey ppl
I just came across this section where ppl have generated a pimpleo-phobia so I thought why not put some more phobia in already existing some! just kidding.I felt that specially girls are afraid of pimples and stuff on their faces .Well who would like a girl with a bad face? u would ask and I would say no one really.
First let me make some points clear this rvu is more of my opinions and experiences.I came across this fact that what ever happens in our body is based on 3 things
The main component.Think it as newtons third law of motion.What we give is what we get! as simple as that so if ur having whatever problems 90% are based on food.So if u hav unnatural food u will have a unnatural problem in an unnatural way.What I mean by unnatural? good question human started making changes to his lifestyle for his likes and he changed food too like other things .Today we eat so many things which are so complicatedly processed and contains so many different tastemakers .it tastes good rt? well what ur tongue likes. mostly ur body doesnt.
Let me make my point clear by some references.today many cleansers and creams and lotions and god knows what not is available in the market making lakhs but have u ever wondered that abt some years back in times of our parents and grand parents there was nothing as skin cream or pimple removing lotion etc.So why now.the answer is those ppl were living on more natural and healthy food than us.Look at a small baby child so innocent so beautiful so soft is its skin how? ever thought how? its bcs it was so far close to nature in mothers womb it didnt get junk food there .Even u were like that back then werent u?So what do I suggest leave eating those delicious foods? no not at all but what can u do is regulate it.Eat what u want but keep some control, trying raw food is best option .Vegetables like cucumber, carrot spinach with minimum spices can be tried tomatoes can be chewed on, keep away from regular oil, less spice, more greens and eat to balance not too heavy nor too light to starve.Ayurveda heavily supports balance of all tastes like bitter, sweet, sour etc and also there must be some fasting.thats why we fast even in name of god bcs fear makes ppl do it but it directly helps them both physically and spiritually.I wouldnt elaborate as its a big topic to start upon. But even if u go heavy then skip one meal for that day .dont fast totally but atleast keep ur system light dont over load it.
Drink lots of water .it would harmu any way it acts as natural system cleaner and privides oxygen inside the body.make it a habbit its said on an average an adult must drink 12 litres a day its not easy to make a habit but if ppl can start drinking in small amounts and gradually increase its possible trust me I did it!
God I used to hate this word and still do but its because I always fail to keep my room clean which here means not messy but what I wana say is today we have pollution, smoke, and thanks to govt gutters left open all around us ina day from morning to evening we have to go through lots of unhealthy environment thats one of the cause for skin problems.so whats the solution simple preferably bath atleast twice once in morning and once in evening b4 bed its good for sleep too.Wash ur face as frequently as possible with water .try to keep away from dirty surroundings.
Pimples are also result of harmonal activities which cause deformation in ppls faces and body we become adults from child.I have read some ppl said stay away from chocolates bcs its one of the reasons for pimples but I say if its so then children who eat more chocolates are the ones to have most pimpled, freckled faces rt? but I dont see anything as such yett why se other I myself have lots of chocolate and I know for all of us, chocolates are simply unavoidable(ofcourse not for those who wanna be slim and trim like a stick!).So if ur face is freckled a bit its ok ur being an adult.it normally goes in 2-3 months dont bother them it will worsten the case!
So far its been a theoretical rvu so most of u will be dissapointed as I havent given any secret solutions or something but its not required really.I mean take the example of any animal species they dont seem to have this problem the reason is nature they have a natural way of life which we have forgotten to live long ago and facing such problems.
Ok for those who are already in mess try some home made solutions which are commonly known or given in other rvus in same topic.But its just a temporary solution remember .so all this philosophy is a result of my mothers and granmas advices which start withIn our times . I am just putting their experiences with my name on it .say. its old wine in a new bottle.but u be sure to write back what I missed and what I didnt.and lastly its the person that matters not his face(I know its easy to say then do type of things but who cares how u look as long as ur good at heart! one of those inside beauty things .)
Thnx for reading