Out of curiosity just to understand the response of this online shopping website, I Had ordered an Ultra Compact Power Bank for all mobile phones, tablets, cameras, iPhone 3/4/4s/5, iP GB118-2600mAh through this website order no1347668 on 02nd Sept 13.
The good part is that, the item was delivered in good condition on 7th day i.e on 09 Sept 13. So the site doesnt cheat, I assume(However 7 days time is long). Discount of Rs150 was on the offer.
The bad part is, there is no much description of the product in the website. So you have limited knowledge about the products. I received the mobile charger without a power plug available for this product. It can be charged only from computer/laptop. The second point is, it doesnt give you any update about the delivery. Their site will indicate "In transit". But u will not know which courier or what tracking no. So you are absolutely blind about the status.
I recommend to buy the products from Gizmobaba if its not available from any good online shopping site.