Go Leisure is a big Fraud company..do not buy any membership from this company you will end up loosing all your amount without any benifits. While taking the membership I have been offered various complimentary benifits such as free Banquet halls, I fall prey to this gimmick of their sales man. Initially when I thought of using free Banquet hall benifit they were simply delaying my request saying no availability of tie up hotels, later by my several follow ups they gave me 20000 amount as a compensation for booking. Now they have closed down there Vashi MUMBAI office without any notice to the customers. When I again approach them for the free Banquet hall for the current year they are saying we have sacked their Mumbai head Abhishek Kantekar who helped me at that time and and now they are saying we neither offer you the banquet hall booking to your desired location nor the compensation amount. I would take a legal action now if I had to bear even more loss I dont mind but I would not let this company make fraud to any other customers.