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Member Since:Oct 23, 2019
20 MS Points
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Goldcrest:Delaying possession for more than 1 yea
Reviewed Bhairaav Group - Navi Mumbai
Hi All, I am writing this review to highlight how this builder lied to us and still did not give the possession. While buying flat in one of their project "GRead more...
Go Leisure is a big Fraud company
Reviewed Go Leisure International - Pune
Go Leisure is a big Fraud company..do not buy any membership from this company you will end up loosing all your amount without any benifits. While taking the Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on laxmikantkolge's review
Can we form a group to fight against the Builder, If we do not take action against him now he will keep on delaying the possession. I had bought the flat in A wing when even sidco work was not started other projects like gami, Neelkanth and Juhu serenity not even had their base structure developed , Read More...
Did you raise any complaint against the builder in the consumer forum? the builder is delaying the possession and not even ready to compensate for the delay.
Commented on santoshg2610's review
Plz mail me on maxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com we will create a group to fight against them
Commented on abdulk1432's review
Let's fight guys, we should not leave those people like thislet's fight for our hard earned money and teach them a lesson my number is 993069xxxx
Commented on own review
Sure, your email id is not visible. Can you share your contact? Please contact me on 993069three nine one Five
Commented on mahajandip's review
Go Leisure is a big Fraud company..do not buy any membership from this company you will end up loosing all your amount without any benifits. While taking the membership I have been offered various complimentary benifits such as free Banquet halls, I fall prey to this gimmick of their sales man. Init Read More...
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