Ms Roy wrote the book for her satisfaction, I scan her work for my content. Let my review not be read by a single soul, Im writing this for myself. This is my arena. The God of Small Things inspired the growth of an immensely confused knot inside me...that needs to loosen up. I dont know what I want to say, but yes - I want to say it.
THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS is a passion. It is a flow of words. It is an open sky. Ms Roy the colour. The book is a drama. Ms Roy the actor. The book is a small thing. Ms Roy the God. The book is not a book. Ms Roy is not the author.
Big words apart, do I love the book? Am I trying to say it is the best thing I ever did? NO. As I said - the book is her chocolate cake. Tick. Tick. It may appear to be the back of the Indonesian orangutan to you. Not all things in life are good. Some are very awkward and screwed up - and that is why they are near to you. This is one of them. THE BOOK MAY NOT MAKE FOR A GOOD READ. That depends - person to person, on how many and which many books he has read. But - look here, you ultimate book craze - YOU MAY JUST LOVE IT AT THE SAME TIME!
It is an effortless effort to blend the past and the present. The truth and the make-believe truth. From page one, it shows an India that couldnt have been lesser Indian. She calls it Ayemenem - somewhere in deep Kerela.
Then, Ms Roy throws in her characters, that couldve been anything but characters of a Booker winner. Estha and Rahel and Ammu - et al. Being twins, Estha and Rahel share a rapport. Ammu, their Mum. One chapter - shes in the story as much as you and I. And the other - shes in the story as much as Big Show endorsing baby nappy pads.
The book has no story. Null. Zero. Sifar. Nought. No end. No beginning. Nothing. In fact, it has a billion stories linked by - linked by - nothing at all! Everybody seems to do everything. No game plan. All lil pieces of sand. All Small Things. Searching for a story? Go read Harry Potter.
The Words. Such magical...such powerful. No, theyre not those difficult rare outta-the-Oxford unknowns. You feel a wave when a line, a phrase is repeated.
How The Orangedrink Lemon Drink Uncle is called The Orangedrink Lemondrink Uncle! How the legs move THISWAYANDTHAT. Yes, THISWAYANDTHAT in Abhilash talkies. It is the words! Never have I experienced such a wizardly heavenly use of common simple words.
There is no way you can escape the intensity which The God of Small Things generates in you. Like it or not - that is the only thing you can control. Henceforth, you shall never have a no-thought-provoking good night. Trust me. Whenever youre feeling nothing(!), just GO FOR IT.
Then you may throw it cursing me.
Let my review not be read by a single soul.