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Member Since:Mar 05, 2004
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india ho ya pakistan sabse achha SHAH RUKH KHAN. Studies
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Education: Student
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Salaam Booker
Reviewed Inheritance of Loss, The - Kiran Desai
I’ll scan this Kiran Desai piece from the point of view NOT of a peeved, ready-to-rip-apart critic – but that of an easy going common reader, who is just shouRead more...
This is my space...
Reviewed God Of Small Things, The - Arundhati Roy
Ms Roy wrote the book for her satisfaction, I scan her work for my content. Let my review not be read by a single soul, Im writing this for myself. ThisRead more...
Magic Flows On
Reviewed Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince - J K Rowling
I love the book, but Im not out-an-out a die hard Harry Potter fan. So, you may well be sure that this review is not going to be from another delightfulRead more...
''''K Brigade ZINDABAAD''''
Reviewed Kasautii Zindagii Kay
Kasauti Zindagi Ki This magical trio has been part and parcel of many families like that of mine for many years now. At least I can claim that I am quite a rRead more...
Jassi is sinkin'?
Reviewed Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi - TV Serials Sony TV Channel
Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi The picture of that Sunday night(in the middle of last year) is clear as anything in my mind. I was sitting on that couch surfing the chRead more...
Reviewed Funtrivia
Funtrivia.com A name youre not going to forget very soon. Once you get there, I tell you, there is no way out. It is, say, addictive! You go there, andRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on DESPRADO's review
i quite like the way you have started your review....your first paragraph is great. I didn't quite like the book when I read it a long while ago....but now I want to read it again as u r praising it so highly!
Rated on DESPRADO's review
Commented on own review
''Anyways, go for it if you’re in for something new. It won’t fail you, trust me'' One should really go for it. It clicks in some parts, but definitely its not a blockbuster stuff. It like one of those movies like .... say .... awarapan....mixed review.
Rated on rohit1982k's review
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on Sparsh's review
Commented on een_1's review
nice review, i'll see it because u say it. vaise, the movie is out this friday, how come you see it so early?? piracy-viracy to nahi?? Ank
Rated on ferrari_vinodh's review
Commented on flirty's review
Nice one that...I think you're one of those chaps who like the movie with the same intensity as I do. Keep it ^up. Anky
Rated on abbey121's review
Commented on Cticize's review
Er...do you think its gonna be a hit? (What a question...i luv ya anky!...u really got brains!)
I might just look very stupid sayin this.... but, where did you see the movie! It's in the newspaper that RDB comes the R-DAY. It's hardly half an hr past midnight - er - WHERE DID YOU SEE THE MOVIE! Thnx, Anky
Rated on silent124's review
Commented on azyraphale's review
Ya sure you've written d pros/cons very nicely. But, u kno, being mad about HP - d negativeve remarks hit me quite n i keep thinkin about that. So, 'course my view may b a li'l biased, buddy. I must never say u have a wrong perspective...i'd be doomed. Chal bye...
Rated on oenone's review
Rated on kuldeep_ch's review
The problem with fans like me is that we love whatever comes from harry potter stuff. BUT STILL, the movie is not THAT bad. Its far better than the last one - which wasn't a very bad movie either. C'mon, one really needs 18 hrs to transelate all that on screen - the movie couldn't've been bet Read More...
Rated on coolcritic007's review
Rated on kalil.rahman's review
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