Bollywood has been ripping off hollywood hits for a while now. Im sure they worked back in the day, but its different now. Movie lovers are more connected to the west and have easy access to hollywood flicks than before. So a hollywood rip-off gets easily detected on the radar.
Not that its already bad that they dont have anything original to work with and try to remake a good hollywood hit, but the mockery they make out of it, just amazes me. This movie is such a rip-off of bruce almighty, I could tell from the promos.
Told the gf that its gonna be a waste of time but she insisted because she hadnt seen bruce almighty. It was a painful experience throughout. Seems like David Dhawan and Salman are pretty determined to remake every hollywood hit out there into their own disaster movies. A lie-detecting chair? are you kidding me? Every one of their ventures is a mess, apart from a good song every movie and then. Please, spare us the crap. Come up with something original.
Pay some budding story writers for fresh material. Im sure with all the money they have, they can afford to buy a story thats not a rip-off. Original concepts get a lot of attention, but bollywood buffs would rather play safe than take a chance, or so their pundits tell them. Slumdog Millionaire, original concept. wiped out the floor at the oscars. Who woulda thought. Takes a lot to put an idea into a production. Danny Boyle spent 6 months in mumbai slums researching before he started shooting. Thats the kind of dedication it takes to come up with a successful movie. filming a movie in a few months at a studio will give you exactly that, pure BS.
Wake up Bollywood.