The days of old ladies in the most traditional houses of South India running behind girl children with a cup full of coconut / castor oil to give them an oil hair massage followed by a head bath, still remains evergreen in my fond memories.
It was an uncomplainable faith that application of Oil before having a hair wash with Shikakai would result in long hair for the girls. My mom was one such strong believer. We had a wonderful servant maid at home whose only work was to massage coconut oil into my scalp and give me a hair wash with Shikakai, which procedure used to take almost an hour?s time. She used to do this to me twice a week.
I was already aficionado of short & cute hair style but due to this twice-a-week (longest) procedure of my mom, I (whether I liked it or not) possessed very thick and long black hair just like the other South Indian Brahmin girls. My school teachers & my classmates really used to envy my long black shining hair.
Shikakai Soap
For persons like me who really hated the longest procedure of taking oil bath with Shikakai powder, the Shikakai Soap was a real God-Sent (Godrej sent ?.?) Boon. The Red colour Shikakai Soap is basically a herbal soap which is used to wash the hair.
My first experience of using this soap is still very memorable to me. One day when I was in my class X, my mom had applied too much of oil in my hair. Although it really helped to keep my hair properly set throughout my day at school, the next day I got a very sticky feeling and even my light scratching it left dirt particles into my nails. I am generally a Cleanliness-Freak and really wanted to get rid of this irritating feeling. One of my teachers recommended Shikakai Soap to me and she also assured me that it would really help keeping my long hair intact.
Without the knowledge of my mom, I bought this Shikakai Soap and had a head bath. Wow?.. to my surprise I could find that the moisture of my hair was retained but the sticky feeling had completely gone.
Some of the wonderful properties of the Shikakai Soap are :
?It is very effective in removing oil and dirt from the hair
?Pure herbal soap and so no fear of hair-fall
?It aids hair-growth to a surprisingly great level
?Prevents the scalp from getting dried up
?Ethno-Botanical surveys have proven its medicinal properties
?It doesn?t have that unpleasant stinking smell of the natural shikakai powder
?It?s Lather
Conclusion :
I am no more into those ancient procedures of Oil + Natural Shikakai Powder baths, I mostly use only Shampoos to have my hair-wash (due to my tight work schedules) I do continue to use the Godrej Shikakai Soap quite frequently. For the long & black hair lovers, I would strongly recommend Shikakai Soap which I am sure while retaining the essential moistures of the scalp & prevents hair fall, would give the best expected results.
Do use the Soap for a long & thick hair and provide me with your feedbacks on the Soap.
Your RRCing is most welcome???!!!!!! (This is just a get-away for me from the routine serious topics)
Mrs. Jayalakshmi Shyam