This is a very good businees saying "hurry .... hurry .....
initially loose money and later gain with others lost money"
--THis is the whole concept of the business. let me say it with a little example that how this will go on.
Consider there are 255 people in the world.(i mean to consider that the world population is totally 255.)
and every one does one business, farming etc to have money.ok.
Now one guy asks two other guys to put 10 rupees each and join his network.
later the other two will make another 2+2 ie 4 guys to join under them.what the first guy says is ...give me 10 and u can earn 20 from your underliners.
so the same way every one does and the tree starts building.
(in the above image consider row 6 & row 7 completely filled)
ok so, the number in the tree represents the level and the number on the right hand side represents the total in each level.
so if the seventh level is completed, the 127 people will get engaged in to the business.
and in this business if the seventh level is completed, totally 1+2+4+8+16+32 = 63 persons got the profit.
and the next level 64 persons were yet to get the profit.
Now if the 8th level gets completed and remaining 128 people get in to the business under the 7th level 64 guys..... then the 64 guys also will get the profit.
so now already 63 + now 64 = 127 got profit.....
NOW, my question is where will these bottom line 128 go?
whom will they bring under them?
I am not saying abt the pros or cons.
If you understand the logic in this tree... then every one among the 255 people will try to be one among the first 7 levels and not the 8th level.
ultimately, half the population is giving money to the other half for what fuck?
even in this example the top no 1 guy gets 20 rupees, while others getting 10. the top guy is the one who runs the company..consider the same tree set up , you can change the amount, change the portion of amount going up the that the same gold quest logic is implemented.
And one important thing .... NEVER THINK THAT HALF THE GUYS GETS BENIFITED.......... not even 10% gets benifited from this because, the money division handled is superb in gold quest that the initial levels get the most. In real time there are many factors to affect the flow and the tree breaks at many levels.
Atleast now you guys have got to know what is set up is all about?
so what this type of business says....
"be the first to get cheated, so that u can cheat others too"
"be the first to get fooled, so that u can fool others too"