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Member Since:Apr 27, 2007
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June ponal july varum
Reviewed Unnale Unnale
A very rich looking movie in Tamil, with good songs (june ponal like songs, even though copied fron Blue gives a better performance than the origiRead more...
Sudoku solver
Reviewed Sudokuvillage
If you happened to visit this page, Try to visit this link......http://www.stormloader.com/users/abhinanth/saduki.htmlThis is a solution provider for all sudoRead more...
The Complete logic
Reviewed Goldquest
This is a very good businees saying "hurry .... hurry ..... initially loose money and later gain with others lost money" --THis is the whole concept of the Read more...
Look before you _ _ _ _
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
I bought cbzx black this march first week. Almost 2 months completed. Before buying this bike, I was reading reviews for nearly 3 months and decided to buyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hi Santosh U cant convince him, because he already went in by paying... so even if he is convinced, he will act like his point is correct.... The only way is ....... tell him, 1. I wont & cant work for this. I dont have the mentality to go and ask every one.i will not be helping you in any form. Read More...
oohh blab blab ........ i dont know how to fill the rest of the min 150 words .... dont take it serious.... Ya done a little modification ...
Rated on tamilan's review
Commented on tamilan's review
hey tamilan .. tell me how much u have earned so far in this?
Commented on pani_avnk's review
Hi, I was watching the trading to get some knowledge about online trading. No i feel like opening an account (an online trading account). But most of these got heavy complaints in their reviews. I dont know which has low brokerage and good service , like best at all. Please advice me in this one Read More...
Rated on utlindia's review
Commented on utlindia's review
Hope you would have recovered by now. let us know the status of this, because in ur case if the thing is proved wrong on BajajAllince side, then normally people will think twice before applying...
Commented on hellmaster's review
Gold quest ........ oooh god, if u think it is a very good business, every one would have tried to join this and by this time, the gold quest company would have said the its enough...... actally if a guy thinks of joining, he will ask to a lot of persons abt this and if he gets bad idea , he wont j Read More...
SO let every one think that gold quest is a good business, if we work for it with full 100% efficiency, we can do good business. so what if all the guys who work in the gold producing factory (for gold quest) leaves the job and joins the gold quest business.... who will produce that so called gold. Read More...
ok i too agree that current world population is ~ 6.6 billion ..... But this is an example with which i am trying to explain the concept....... (again dont say the current population is 6.6 billion ...... i am asking you to consider my example)
hehehe ... basic arithmetic.... look at my first lines of the story , i ask you to CONSIDER the whole world population is 255..... hehehe .... this is only an example ....
Sorry Mr.Tamilan...... just speak about the topic, not abt the speaker , ’Probably people like you, who might not be able to make reproduction ’ - this is what you said in the first comment. ------ for this i too can ask you to bring your mother to my bed to sleep with me to prove YOU tha Read More...
Hi Anasingarajucs So other than the hero honda dealer, where can i show my bike. i dont know how to proceed with these problems. Because hardly 2 months completed and the feel is very bad, will they be replacing any parts of my bike with a new ones...?
I said, there are problem in my bike (my piece) . i went on to drive with my friends bike. there only back brake is the problem. other than that this is a very good bike. (i found no vibrations in his bike.) but i still say that , have a very good test drive of your piece and select the bike. Read More...
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