GWTW, is one novel, that comes once in a generation.but making something real clear, if you are a big fan of those small cute love stories, where the guy always manage to get the girl by bendin down might not be the book for you. Its a book worth owning and cherishing. The protagonist Scarlett Ohara, mirrors the human nature..and it might remind you that how far one may go blindly running after ones love, without realizing what she wants truly. The hero, Rhett Butler, if you read this book, u will find that a lot of characters from other novels are inspired from him. The irony of the greatest love story of all time, GWTW, is that its not that sweet sugar and dewy eyed two lovers making bows to live and die together here..very modern, very realistic..the conversations between Scarlett and Rhett, are the best parts of the novel..the love, is something you have to feel..its hardly described in flowery words like"I will love you till the end of time Scarlett"..its logical, very humane..and saying something, that I have noticed a few members complaining abt the long descriptions of characters and just takes you back into that time when once a kingdom had been flourishing and how with time it essentially had" Gone with the wind".
take your time.Read it.You wont regret.