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Member Since:Dec 20, 2010
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Too lazy to be termed as a Revolution
Reviewed Revolution 2020 - Chetan Bhagat
It hurts me to write down on Chetan Bhagat, but I have observed that as I am improving as a writer, I end up finding the flaws in people’s work more than justRead more...
Worst ever..
Reviewed Sunny Shady Life, A - Sachinn Garg
Now while you read this review..plz try not to think that am biased..you are too free to have your own point of view..but this book was the most horrible readRead more...
You'll be proud after readin it
Reviewed Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
GWTW, is one novel, that comes once in a generation.but making something real clear, if you are a big fan of those small cute love stories, where the guy alwaRead more...
All was well,but the end
Reviewed Those Small Lil Things in Life and Love - Rahul Saini
It does sound good at the beginning. And.And you can relate yourself to many incidents.But the thing, with a most of the writers who sprang up after Chetan BhRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on viratbond's review
I just wonder..why most of these authors merely come up with the same thing,put in different covers..the same ''boy-meet-girl'' flicks over and over again..the title is more than capable of keepin me away from this book..And surprisingly, by what I have read in your review, how can be compare himsel Read More...
Commented on jayaghosh2k's review
one word for your review..''WOW''
Commented on own review
hey Soldier of the Fortune, thanks for reviewing my reviews. I have actually went through all the reviews by the other members here..content wise they have written it all, so I just tried to put in the things that others haven't..And thanks again!your reviews keeps me running!
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