Finally....the thing everyone (including myself) was waiting for past 10 yrs.The end to the potter epic and eventually the potter mania too.Even though JK said she felt relieved on completing the whole thing at last I personally was a bit dissapointed on the last bit of potter.The feeling that there will be no more potter to look forward to is really akward and paining but all good things eventually come to an end so did this too..
Ok done with the sentimental stuff now for the real potter 7 was it really upto the expectation ????? lets see.
The plot:
Unlike the previous 6 books there are no recalls of previous events in the last book of the series.The books flies away like any hindi movie with a suspense track where on one side ppl are trying to protect harry and on other voldemort now is like a evil Don killing ppl for his purposes after rising to his full powers.Typically hindi movie masala.
The first quarter of the book is really slow, emotional, senti-mental, everything is just going round in circles...the story doesnt kick off here ....its just harry confused not knowing what to do , where to go, with whome to go etc etc.There is lot of emotions and questions in front of him as he has lost every loved ones, chased by death eaters and no help to turn too.. etc etc.The second quarter is much of struggle to find the so called horcruxes and destroying them, the third follows on same track though at much faster pace...
The most important of all is the last quarter where everything goes so fast that u ave to re read the whole thing again to understand.So many things in so short time.....Its like too many things cramped in too less space...I wouldnt give out the real story word by word as this is not the purpose of the whole thing.......but however there are surprises an hell lot of twists an turns that one couldnt have expected even in their remote dreams.....
The verdict
All an all rowling pulled out a winner prety much but to me personally I am a bit dissapointed on the spread of the overall story.Though well done the expectations of such a fabulous saga ending without much bang is a bit too much too swallow.I had expected much more than this...even though I know its selfish but something like this deserves a much better ending so there cud hav been just one more book to cramp in.....
But this is what the creator wants it or has it ended & we have to accept it.....
My Favs
The best part for me was the logic behind the horcurxes even though it seems like borrowed from fairy tales where evel magician keeps his life safe in a parrot etc...the horcurxes still excites you.But the surprise is the DEATHLY HALLOWS.Yes let me unveil the secret that there is somethng more powerful than the horcurxes.Is it good , bad, ugly ?? common guys read the book !!!!!
Also I like that JK introduces some new unknown characters which obviously are needed to relate the overall logic of the whole epic .Like voldemort is heir of salazar slytherin harry is also a heir of a great blood line of wizards even greater than godic gryfindor yess its true......there are some characters u least expect ..... die...touching
Lastly.....the most fav of my parts is the epilogue where harry has his family going (ya ya so he stays alive .......we all gussed it rt) an he names his children lily, james and albus...ya it is so cute all small kids with big names.Albus is actually albus-severus ..ya named after Albus dumbldore and severus of the most touching part for me was when little albus goes to hogwarts (ya hogwarts still runs) for first time and he asks harry what if he is sorted in slytherin and harry says "Albus-severus ur named after the two great headmasters of hogwarts one of them was slytherin an the bravest man i knew so if ur selected in slytherin then slytherin house will have gained an excellent student ........."
All an all its a must read.......... though for potter fans like me an millions of others who have the collection so far this one is like the last piece of the set.....But priced just below a grand its too hard on the pockets.....but as its said some things are priceless....this is surely one of them for mee.....