?He looked rather like an old lion there were streaks of grey in his mane of tawny hair and bushy eyebrows he had keen yellowing eyes behind a pair of wired framed spectacles and a certain rangy, loping grace even though he walked with a slight limp.?
Who he is he, I have no idea but complain not for if at least that much is what Rowling wants to reveal and leaves the rest for us to decipher till 16th July (sigh!) J.K wants the readers to find out things themselves and for further information her lips are sealed.
I think this old lion person is gonna be the new dada teacher or probably the half blood prince himself but his appearance doesnot appropriate the ppl I presumed to be the hbp.
In another news that is a sad news J.K also spilled out that this will be Harry?s shortest stay at the Dursleys. Harrys adverse encounters with Dursleys are so hilarious especially what Rowling makes them giving devastating descriptions of uncle Vernon?s moustache blowing hither and thither and Dudley?s tummy crossing beyond the normal extent.
We will also learn that how remarkably Duddys tummy has grown ant perhaps aunt petunia will become a little bittle reformed (there was a hint of petunia renaissance in op when she received a howler ? remember my last? remember?) any hopes? Harry will receive his owl results maybe not in privet drive this time like he imagined sitting in privet drive receiving an owl from the way uncle Vernon conceives to be philistine.
There will be new tryouts for Gryffindor Quidditch team. If Harry is rescuerd as the seeker then Ginny will go for the chaser and Ron will still be the keeper how delightful and the beater s will be improved maybe and Ron will still be the keeper(again how delightful)
Malfoy as you wud expect will be a much mephitic enemy than ever because of how Harry stationed his father to Azkaban with the many other death eaters. The DE federation will escape most probably but what matters is that ppl came to know of their behind the scene faces before the conditions cud further deteriorate for Harry (this is one difference between Rowling and Ekta compare Harrys plight to that of Karishmas but we?ll come to Krishma some other day gaad promish!). Malfoy mortifies and his offhand prissy reaction is so gratifying to see. Superbratt!
Crabbe and Goyle will be much against Harry. Together with Malfoy the make a great anti_ Harry potter team and as they are perfect machinations of Malfoy without him maybe they would be too torpid and gormless to do any thing at all.
The hbp isn?t harry (as the title suggests) and it isn?t voldemort either he is a half blood but prince doesn?t suit voldemort only if he found out that he was a prince from his fathers side like what happened in the princess diaries (well duh!) no chance of that b/c old voldy is almost at the brink of his death and he wudnt cherish the fact of being prince from his fathers side.
It can?t be Ron coz Ron is a pure blood and it cant be Hermione either coz she cant be a prince. Ok so can it be snape? Where I got that idea actually this book maybe will reveal a little more of snapes background anyways whats defying this is that sanpe ant be a half blood or why would he be in slytherin but then voldeort was also in slytherin being half blood.
That settled we move to snaped persona. He is the closest thing to despicableand its hard not to fell sympathy for him despite of harrys remonstrance and after all the way James behaved with snape was appalling. maybe he had inadequate parents . Please don?t call snape villainous he may not have a good air about him but he is not evil either and there is an echo of tragedy in his character.
The other suspect we have is the fanatical rapturous Hagrid. He was born to a giantess Fridwulfa so he is infact a part human too. He is also a sort of moral centre but he rambles his good sense with nonsense. He isn?t a perfect hero (of course he is not but speaking generally)and his blunders (esp. the one in CMC class they?re sooo annoying!) but that?s his charm. So hope all of us are keeping our fingers crossed for him and snape.( particularly stated for the softies.).
If I find any other ppl suited for hbp an account will tune in same day same time till then its me saying goodbye and keep praying.