Harry enters his third year at Hogwarts with a serial killing mad wizard on the loose. Sirius Black. Sirius is the first wizard ever to escape from the wizard prison of Azkaban, guarded by the life-sucking Dementors. Dementors are basically walking death. They are covered in black rags and seem to float. They kill by giving the dementors kiss, they lift up their veils and suck the life out of you. They live on happiness and suck out our happy thoughts. Ron, Hermione and the usual characters all come back to join Harry throughout the year. As usual Harry, Ron and Hermione find themselves in trouble and Harry saves the day. All new magic is in store for you, including time turners, werewolves and animagi.
It is quite a good plot with many unexpected twists and turns.
For those of you who have watched the first two movies may notice something which makes no sense. They have changes the layout of Hogwarts completely! Hagrids hut now lays down a hill where as before it was on completely flat ground! When you go back to the book you will find that it is the way it should be in Prisoner of Azkaban and the previous directors just mucked it up.
I tis a lot less little kiddy than the other two movies.
Worth the watch but honestly nothing can compete with the books.
The books are a must read for anyone who thinks they might enjoy the movie, did enjoy the movie or whove never heard of the movie.
I didnt find that the movie met up to my standards because I hate it when they change it from the book.