HathwayCable .. Finally cable Internet. Yipeee. That was my reaction when I got hold of Hathway connection.. Let?s see what happened next .
Sales dude chases me all over town for the sale .. I finally relent then he tells me I don?t have to buy their expensive cable modem (What the hell would I do with a modem if I decide not to keep the connection !). Sales guy promises connectivity within a week of signing up .. Gues what I get it in 2 DAYS !!! Greeeaaat.
He does manage to con me though .. The billing cycle is at the end of the month .. I signed up in the last week and still had to pay for the whole month .. but that was my fault for not asking.
Anyway my connection is 128kbps with monthly download limit of 750MB (that includes surfing ) and every additional MB costs 2/MB.. Not too bad. I use the net mostly for research. And am not into music and movies.
The best part though is their customer support - 24/7. The support guys are really helpful and do their job with commitment. This really pleases me and makes me stick with Hathway.
In summary for my connection type (Velocity; 128kbps; 750 MB/month; Rs 2/MB extra)
World class customer support
Good speed
Almost always connected
4 Priced decently
Bad -->
DNS is a bit iffy
Ay escalations have to go to Bombay (I stay in Bangalore)
My advice is .. Go for It!