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Member Since:May 07, 2004
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Education: graduate
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Gripping and dark
Reviewed Scarface
Read this review after gurusmaran s. He has comprehensively covered all the facts around the movie.. cast, plot outline etc etc. Scarface is truly one oRead more...
Good Ol' Kingfisher
Reviewed KingFisher Beer
Please note that the following article is very biased! I grew up (and across .. :) ) on KF Beer (KF is the most popular way of ordering Kingfisher .. at leasRead more...
Reviewed Life of Pi - Yann Martel
After a long time did I read a book, which tickled ones imagination while maintaining the simplicity of good old prose. No word gymnastics by Yann MarteRead more...
Service with a smile
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
HathwayCable .. Finally cable Internet. Yipeee. That was my reaction when I got hold of Hathway connection.. Let?s see what happened next . Sales dude chasesRead more...
Conflict Of Interest
Reviewed The Times Of India
The supposed to be fourth estate of Society - Media, has been let down by Times of Indias corporate and business philosophy. It seems that the NewspaperRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Smashcool's review
your review can serve as a summary of other reviews or comentson other reviews.. I agree with you on RIM as I too have heard of experiences from friends which have been horrific. but its better to place our first hand experiences here for other people to make a judgement on the product.
Rated on deepashpuri's review
Rated on lux_theminstrel's review
Rated on crazygazebo's review
Rated on drmngr's review
Rated on anantha_rao's review
Commented on anantha_rao's review
Hi, you have listed out the benfits and working of a generic Air Cooler. There isnt enough information to justify a Bajaj DB2000 over any other brand available.
Rated on TinaLoechel's review
Rated on ashford's review
Commented on nicesagi's review
hi, you seem to haveonly concentrated on the calcutta link of the movie. How was the rest of it ?
Rated on nicesagi's review
Rated on atozeou's review
Rated on Vivaldi's review
Commented on Estrella's review
Really liked the objective approach to the review. Could have given your experience of the movie though irrespective of the movies technical goods and bads. Sometimes we like a movie even though we can see that it has numerous technical faults. Keep em coming Cheers
Rated on Estrella's review
Commented on mouthisshut's review
Hi, I dontcomment on your opinion of NDA vs Congress, but your argument that the NDA lost because the educated / urban peopledid not vote is no supported by any reasonable arguments in your review. 1. Is it necessary that urban voters vote generally for NDA - false please check the breakup o Read More...
Rated on sportyninja's review
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Team DrBatras (@DrBatrasHealthMouthShut Verified Member)
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Salik Siddiqui (@saliksiddiqui853MouthShut Verified Member)
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