Bringing home a Puppy or a Kitten is really like possessing a new born baby at home. It is an indubitable fact that pets undeniably confer as much cheerfulness as new born babies render us.
My First Pet:
My first cute pet was a dog (Lhasa Apso Breed) & her name was Trisha. She came to my house when she was about a month old and lived with me for many years. Don?t imagine her as a ferocious or vicious dog, she was a cute and a very very homely dog variety, with beautiful smallest face fully covered with long hair growth.
I really could never express in words those ECSTATIC days when I used to sleep, eat & play with my pet dog Trisha during my school days. I am now bringing up a mongrel pup named?Pappu?. She is a beautiful street-born chubby puppy & I really love her Company. I already have a kitten by name?Miaaz? and due to our constant training sessions, my pup & kitten are very good friends now.
Tips on Looking After your newly arrived Puppy:
For anyone who desires to bring home a Puppy, the following are some useful tips to train your pet pup in order to make her get along well with you:
?As soon as the Pup is brought into your house, do repeatedly give her comforting pats on her back and massage her body hair gently. This would take away her initial unnecessary fears about the new environment and her impulsive abandoned feeling.
?Many Pups surely would have tics and fleas which are to be removed without any delay. You have special dog powders at Pet Care Centers for this purpose. But they are generally very strong and so just spread the powder on your pup?s body for about 5 to 10 minutes only and immediately give her a bath. To your surprise, all the paroxysms would have been removed.
?Biting is a major part of a Pup?s behaviour. Dogs always need to chew to relieve stress and excess energy. If your new pup happens to chew on something that is off-limits, say a strict?NO? in a pleasant but austere voice. Soon, your pup would start understanding the command. Then, give your dog a safe chew toy like a rawhide bones and hard rubber toys. Do not encourage your dog chewing your old shoes or belts because that would encourage her chewing your new shoes and new belts too.
?Instead of feeding your puppy with lot of milk at one time, feed her at frequent intervals, viz., 3 to 5 meal a day. This is the proper prescribed way of feeding puppies.
?Do spend a few hours with your pet which is very essential for the healthier bringing up of your puppy. If possible, take your puppy for regular walks with your family members. Playing with children at home would keep the puppy very happy.
?For the first 3 months of age of puppies, it is advisable not to confine your puppies with a locked chain. Allow your puppy to roam about freely which would encourage the puppy to come towards you more frequently, thereby improving your intimacy.
?From around 2 months of age itself, do train your puppy with her litter habits. Potty trainers are sold in Pet Centres which would streamline your pup?s looing habits. Also, when your puppy is allowed to wander about in the house, in places where you feel that she should not litter, ?Get Off? Sprays are sold in Pet Centers for the purpose.
?You could initiate teaching your beloved pup the basic commands of COME, GO, SIT etc. as early as possible. In order to grab the attention of your puppy immediately, prefix these commands by the Pup?s name which is already familiar to your pet.
?A dog?s average lifespan is 10 years and so a puppy would gain one-third of its adult weight just before attaining the age of one year itself. So during the early months of its age, it is very essential to feed your puppy with calcium, vitamins and proteins.
Since this topic is categorized under ?Health Issues?, I think it would be more appropriate if I bring out a few significant health related issues pertaining to having pets at home.
?Vaccination is an essential part of a puppy?s life regardless of from wherever the pup was bought. As soon as the puppy enters your house, do take the puppy to a Veterinarian and he would advise you of the further course of treatment for your puppy.
?All puppies should be vaccinated against canine diseases, checked periodically for worms and other parasites, and given an annual medical examination.
?During the initial few months of age, Pups are commonly excited to eat anything and everything they are given. Make sure to give your puppy a healthy intake which would regularize her digestive system and the litter-habits.
?Presence of Tics and Fleas in your Pet?s body is not only dangerous for your beloved pet but for yourself as well, because there is a possibility of the convulsions entering your hair or ears which might result in severe infections.
?Constant discharge from the eyes of your pet is indicative of illness and requires immediate attention.
?If your puppy feels sick on your touching her ears, then there is a possibility of some infection in her ears. So, do check it out.
Psychological & Corporal Impacts of having pets at home:
The following are some scientifically proven facts of having pets at home:
?When you are extremely angry, Pets are the only capable ones who could get you out of your antagonism in a matter of absolutely no time.
?Spending a considerable time with pets everyday improves the happiness of the people and formulates an enthusiastic life, thereby relieving stress and nervous tension.
?A brisk walk with the pet increases the heart-beat of the people and exercises the body resulting in problem-free good health.
?Playing with the pet is a great exercise to the body as well as the mind.
Since there are already considerably lot of reviews on this interesting topic briefing about own personal experiences with their pets, mine is an effort to make my review a little informative for the Pet-Beginners who are on the verge of going in for a new pet at home. I do hope you all had liked this review and your RRCs keep me going?.!
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