First time that im writing a review in favour of the product.The other day I was thinking that when product sucks we write about it, so when its good even then we need to write about it ( if it deserves to be praised ).
I bought my HCl Desktop 3 years back, its a p4 3.02ghz wth 160gb hdd , 512 ram and dvd writer and other basic stuff.This one surely deserves appreciation.
1 ) Never had a major problem , exept for once a while due to fluctuations it doesnt start just gives a beep sound. Need to pull the ram out and then insert it again.
2) Its quick and fast ( except for no good graphics card )
The only part I complain is , we should be given choice of what graphics card or configuration we want. They shouldnt sell whatever config they like .
If you go to Dell online and other big ones they give you the choice and charge you as per your requirement. I would recomend it for basic computing like browsing internet and other stuff but definitely not for gaming and other high end applications.