HDFC bank used to be the epitome of private banking industry in India. However, now its time has come to go downhill. And it seems HDFC bank is too arrogant to accept the fact they are not erving the customer properly leave alone improve upon.
I opened a salary account 4 years back & it is another matter that due to their procedures I wasted 2 whole days to get the account opened. After some time I stopped using it as a salary account due to some reason. After a long time when I checked the statement I found that the nature of the account was changed to a normal savings account and the bank forgot to update me about it. Add to it that they started charging maintenance charges. When I asked them they said we dont need to inform you, you should have checked your account. Look at the response they gave me.
After much coaxing they waived off 2 transaction charges but didnt waive off the complete ones and I accepted that as my mistake. After that I re-started using it as a salary account but they refused to change the nature of the account even though salary was credited every month and my company is one of their good customers. I spoke to the HDFC representative for my company and she promised to change it to salary acoount within 5 days but even then they didnt do.
Also, to add injury to insult the bank has reduced my daily withdrawl limit without even bothering to tell me. When I wrote to them I got a clinical answer that these are your limits no effort to see if the limit was higher at any time or what is the real issue. Again bad customer service.
To top it all, I went to a branch (new low volume branch)near my home to buy some foreign exchange, the person there confirmed that they would give me the amount next day and I should deposit money in my account and gave my details. Next day that guy had completely forgotten about it. He then gave me number of a third party who supplies forex to HDFC to contact them. He wasted my whole day because I believed his commitment and even then they didnt deliver the small amount of currency.
I think HDFC has forgotten that there is something like customer service and they dont train their staff well. I think they have started behaving like PSUs mentality that the customers cant run away from them so they can take them for granted. In todays India this is pathetic.
I wouldseriously suggest that people should stay away from HDFC as much as they can. Unless a Mr. Deepak Parekh or KK Mistry awakes from his sleep to take care of his customers.