Given the kind of trumatic experiences I had with some leading banks in India. HDFC came in like an angel.
It reeks off cool blue and the personnel the bank has put in look like SEAL commandoes.All blue and the works..
The bank is awesome.I really like it when they keep referring to name at al times.Patiently listening to me while I rant about the balance in my account.
Check out their webbie and you would see that the kind of technology they use is excellent. I had my snap taken right there in front of the the guy who opened my accnt in a second.(I had to search for a photo lab while I was opening my bank accnt someplace else!)
They hare the only bank I know who provide you a DEBIT card which could be used for Online Transactions.NO OTHER BANKS have this.None.
They have stuff like netsafe which enable you to buy online without the fear of internet fraud because the netsafe wallet makes a new virtual card online in less than a second which could be used by you to make a purchase online.You know what?even if I got that number somehow(which is IMPOSSIBLE!) it would be no longer relevant the moment I try it on to cheat you.Those numbers keep changing faster than mallikas clothes.
Really, its a dream Bank.Or so it seems.