Before you read this, I want you to see one thing. after I complained they didnot bother to know who the culprits was, which branch I am talking about or a promise that they would come back to me after making necessary enquires or that they would like to knwo more or that they will try to see if they can give me the watch coz it was what was promised to me by their bank official. I really want to kick them if I can; thats the feeling I have in my heart right now.
i am holding credit card of your bank and am very upset with the services.
1) when I applied, I was told I am going to get a tital watch, when it
didnot come for months, I enquired and was surprised to hear that I am not
entitled coz the scheme was not in force at the time I applied. the person
accepting my application form misinformed me at that time. infact if my
application form is seen, it should still have a form in relation to that
watch. anyway.
2) now dream come true offer. I am really upset about this. the people
informing just take us for a ride. my wife enquired with the bank and they
said I can do purchases and club them together to arrive at a figure of
Rs.10, 000/- to ask for the assured gift. now when I went they said the
transaction have to be single sweep. infact I made two bills on that
particular day, one of Rs. 9, 700 on hdfc bank and other of Rs.10100/- on
icici card. I could have easily did the other way round but for the wrong
information given to me from your people.
i really hate when people do this to me.
i hope you will inform me the remedy or otherwise tell me how to close the
account with your bank.
their reply was
Dear Mr. Aggarwal,
At the outset, we regret to understand that there has been a miscommunication by the sales executive regarding the watch offer on your card. Thank you for bringing the same to our attention as we would like to reinforce our efforts in this direction to prevent any misguidance to our valued customers. We observe the the card is not approved under watch offer.
Further we would like to clarify you regarding the Dream Come True offer. Following are the details:
The campaign will be run on three broad creative platforms
(a) Win your dreams (b) Assured gifts and (c) Make someone else dream come true (in partnership with CRY).
Win your dreams
and then all about the scheme
So I wrote
dear madam
thanks for responding.
I understand the watch matter and that can happen. Just a regret is what I expected was going to come out of credit card company, who just want to finish off the matter rather than try to do justice, maybe coz they have 100s of other jobs to take care of rather than such silly ones which are going to bring in anything. The sales people should be more informed and hopefully, you may try to do it too. To tell you the truth, the impression I have about credit card companies is that they are interested in buisness rather than the way of getting it. I have heard the word by hook or by crook so many times in this segment.
The second point, about dream come true offer.
I got the clarification done through your call centre much before I got this response of yours.
The reason for writting the mail was to inform you what was happening in your banks, so that you look more deeply into it, to pass on the information to top management rather than finish it off at customer support level and to see how sensitive your bank is to customer complains.
what I am complaining about is and it seems you have taken too lightly.
my wife out of her busy schedule goes to your bank branch (satellite road) and asks for the information about this offer; a simple question whether only one charge slip can be attached or more than one charge slips can be attached ? The answere is no, only one charge slip can be attached. She goes to manager, and all the so called wise people available over there, and she argues that this was not the information passed to her in the first place. Just like you, they also didnot take the notice of the fact that a wrong information have been passed. Or even bothered to check, how a wrong information can pass through. They just behaved as this can happen and have happened and so forget it. Pass on a sympathatic word and end the matter. They didnot even bother to check whether the information they were passing now was correct or not. They insisted to her, that, they cannot do anything in this matter, whats done is done and the only options stays and that is to take the lower gift available. (Just think, had she ticked the lower gift option and submitted the coupen, who was going to be the loser and for whose mistake). They didnot care to advice her to book a complain and so there is no reason the higher ups will know such things can happen, but just took it as a casual matter (which they might have done all the time, believing that it happens every time, coz of unwise customers coming there with misunderstood ideas.) The whole episode wasted more than 3 hours of her time.
Have you booked my complain, passed it over to the top management, that the bank has misinformed us (satellite branch) or you have also taken the matter with less seriousness. Well the rest of the story.
She called me up and I told her that we will not take any gift, if this was the approach of the bank. I asked her to tear off the slips, and get the cards cancelled. Luckily she didnot do it. Ty to imagine all the mental stress we had to go through coz of your people. Just then I thought of getting the things checked up with the call centre and they informed me what you are informing me today about the offer. Even she (customer support person) didnot care to book a complain about why some wrong information was passed to me in the first place. I didnto go to a unattorised place after all.
I would like you to book a written complain from my side and issue me an acknowledgment, so that if anyting of this nature happens or I get in contact with a senior person of your bank in future, I can quote this complain. He might that day otherwise say to me, that all was my mistake that as a responsible public person, I didnot register a complain and how would they know about wrong doings if public donot complain.
With regards
manoj aggarwal
I hope you people didnot find it boring