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Member Since:Feb 06, 2003
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About Me
Education: engineer
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My mails to hdfc and their replies
Reviewed HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card
Before you read this, I want you to see one thing. after I complained they didnot bother to know who the culprits was, which branch I am talking about or a prRead more...
What i thought before buying ambition
Reviewed Hero Honda Ambition
Well first about myself, i am a engineer working for an electronic company and do research and development work, age 32 and my salary is not very high. i teRead more...
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor
I used splendor for 5 years and do think it to be a good bike coz when I selected it, it was for milege and good looks. i used to drive the bike at average Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on MakeMyTrip's response
make my trip MakeMyTrip : my experiences it was a good and cheap site some years back but not now. they never respond to mails sent on their site about a month back i received a sms saying i have to respond to that sms to get 2 tickets for a film jhoom barabar jhoom. i responded to that sms but d Read More...
Regarding your booking
Rated on alterego123's review
Commented on rajanmanrai's review
i am quite confused when i hear the comments of different people. some times i feel its negative publicity by competitors and sometimes the responses are from the company people i just get the feeling and get more unsure after reading the articles
Commented on awasthi's review
hello, i donot wish to discourage you but .... ya the bike is the most silent thing for the first few months. Congrats for touching above 100 speed. i think CD100 was a better bike when it came to 100+ speeds. i too touched 90+ some times with this bike but didnot feel safe with this bike. the Read More...
Commented on enticer_man's review
my experience says : honda have never succeded in making anything else than the CD100 / CD100ss or splendor or u can add to that passion. CBZ was a failed attempt so was ambition. i used to drive kawasaki 4s then splendor and now own ambition - a real hopeless bike. AMI is a new attempt Read More...
Commented on own review
thanks for your compliemnts my update on my bike are as under now i get an average of 70 kmpl but i have to drive at 40 kmph speed. at this speed the bike is quite silent and comfortable at a speed of 50 kmph there is a undescribable noise like air suction at a speed of 60 kmph there is a me Read More...
Commented on dennyjos's review
i think what reliance is doing is believing it will be second to bsnl for 5 years and then first in india. so it thinks what it gives is for a large no of phones believing all will ahve reliance. frankly i feel u should wait and watch. in today's world its better to see what u are getting before Read More...
Rated on gautamkher1's review
Commented on rajasagar's review
it was a informative article. you know there are many things still unclear abotu reliance phone too. 1) they say u get a internet connection, but i am not clear, can a computer be connected to the phone. 2) they say sms is free, its still not decided 3) the information you said that the Read More...
Rated on rajasagar's review
Rated on muni's review
Commented on muni's review
dear muni, the article was long and boring. but philosophy is never 'not boring'. while reading i rememember a lesson we were taught when we were in 8th grade on entropy. (i may be recalling things wrongly). the basic law of nature 'entropy (dispturbance) can not be decreased, its increase can o Read More...
Followed muni
Commented on trust_me's review
i do appreciate when people write their experineces and not give black and white judgments. all the things have goods and bads, but wehne we write a review we should take care to just say the facts and a bit of what we judge you have done a good job congrats
Commented on chanakya's review
i think we should not doubt other people's comments. all have their own opninion and in this world of so much data available on net, false reports will diminish on their own.
Rated on chanakya's review
Rated on bbakshi's review
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