Beware of another scamster in the likes of Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh, Ramalingraju etc, in hdfc std life. Please dont keep any sizable balance money in your savings ac. The bank people gather details of your ac. and send their highly educated, highly trained con-artists to attack you.
First it will be continuous phone calls, and then house visits, to convince you that God has created hdfc only for your benefit and service. They will lure you and convince you with lies. Once the policy is taken then you will know that you have been taken for a royal ride, and you realize that this policy was never meant for you and was never for your benefit. The bank will say that the policy is handled by HDFC Std Life, & the HDFC STD life will say that the policy was sold by the bank.
Their grievance redressal, and legal dept. is so huge no complaint penetrates through them. They say you should have read the details. In India it doesnt happen like that. We trust a name(HDFC)and expect them to be truthful in their approach. Tell me how many policy holders know about their policy details?
"IT HAPPENED TO ME "hope & pray that you wont be the next victim.