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Member Since:Mar 14, 2011
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Policy lelo aur sir patak ke maro
Reviewed HDFC Life Insurance
Beware of another scamster in the likes of Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh, Ramalingraju etc,  in hdfc std life. Please dont keep any sizable balance money Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on apositiveperson's review
Your positiveness is a ''suspect''. It is people like you who bend backwards to accomodate worthless, unethical, looting companies like hdfc life, who cheat simple people of their life savings, irrespective of their paucity, age or their ignorence, with sadistic pleasure.Even the emoloyees don't thi Read More...
Rated on apositiveperson's review
Commented on rachit85's review
hdfc std life is he most ruthless insurance company and with unethical business practices; even butchers will have a heart but not hdfc life. Their grievance redressal department is so large, one has to wonder why? Their cusomer care is to find excuses so that customers are confused but not cared. T Read More...
Rated on rachit85's review
Rated on manisht's review
Rated on Raghu1976's review
Commented on Raghu1976's review
Mr. Raghu’s views are far from the truth,hdfc slic does not subscribe to values, ethics and priciples. Vission may be; how to bankrupt you ! His view that hdfc slic runs like a govt. organisation is hilarious.It has an army of well trained employees- is right and their job is to protect the organisa Read More...
Rated on varuntin's review
Commented on varuntin's review
What happens if the attitude of the HDFC Slic representetive is fraudulent, and fills up lies in the policy document of the ignorent customer and has one agenda and that is, to get through the policy and earn a commission or by meeting the target to retain his/her job without caring for the client.H Read More...
Rated on asheesh3337's review
Commented on asheesh3337's review
''Old policies don't give you good returns, Ulip policies do''- Whom are you fooling Mr. Asheesh? For people like you there are matka dens,lotteries where you can get your hearts' content. But this field is a responsible one. Here greedy people are driven to suicide. People care to invest responsib Read More...
Rated on prshrivastava's review
Commented on bafna's review
Wish I had read this kind of article or may I would met your kind and would not have regretted the sorry state i am in today for trusting the hdfc representetive, and taking two ulip policies.They have usurped my oldage life savings. We go to temples, mosques, gurudwaras, churches and pray, still we Read More...
Rated on bafna's review
Rated on jainivra's review
Commented on jainivra's review
Everything what you say is right as hdfc.But it is a different scenario at hdfc slic. I don't know whether the writer had any personal experience with any policy of std life & especially an ulip policy.Go deep you'll get the stink of poor unsuspecting people's blood in their billions of assets. If y Read More...
Commented on own review
You may be one of those fortunate Indians,who can decide for yourself what you and your family needs. Lets say you are a mechanic who is working in a gaurage or an employee in an industry say in the assembly line or anywhere in the shop floor or a small shop owner, then the time comes you have to tr Read More...
Rated on ashishdhote678948's review
Commented on ashishdhote678948's review
When there are scores of people writing about their terrible experiences you are an angel who dwells in their glory. Good for you! They may send you reminder sms's to pay their premiums in time, but God forbid the markets don't do well and along with it your fund value reduces the'll discard you so Read More...
Commented on riya12's review
Believing in hdfc slic, i have lost all my life savings(around 5 lacs in three yrs), by investing in their two ulip policies. hdfc slic has become so ruthless in their dealings, they don't mind slitting somebody's throat as long they get their cut & meet their targets; may be its' a poor old pension Read More...
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