Well let me share my experience to you all people who really think should shed some excess fat. I am 30+ 168 cms and weighed around 91 kgs couple of months back(6 months to be precise). I work as a consultant for MNC in India and abroad. I used to eat whatever junk food I could lay my hands on and always had to look after my clients and while socializing I used to drink a lot of beer and whisky.
One fine morning(but not for me) when I tried to get up I just could not move my leg and there was severe pain on my right knee. As usual I had an appointment with a client so I did not give much thought to my knees and just swallowed a pain killer and went about with my work. The pain went away for a while but came back in the evening. Then I thought I should consult a doctor and went to an ortho. He examined my knee and told me that there is no problem in my knee but the problem lies with my weight. I was told to shed away excess weight or I might have more problems with my knees.
I was an exercise freak in my college days, but later after college and with job in hand I did not give priority to this. I just pondered over what the doctor had said and next morning I made up my mind to shed the excess fat from my body and I was determined to do it.
First I went to a dietician for advice and she gave me list of things I should eat and things I should not eat and things I should totally avoid. I also had my blood checked for sugar and fortunately I did not have sugar but my cholesterol level was high. I am a vegetarian and I was told not to skip breakfast at any cost( I never used to have anything for breakfast). Having the dietician list in my hand my first thought when I came back home was “This is not going to work out”. But with great difficulty I followed the dietician advice and sticked to the recommended food. After a week I lost 1 kg and this made me very happy and then I thought may be I should continue with this.
As a South Indian I used to take a lot of rice. I used to have rice for lunch and dinner. I cut down on this. I had a breakfast with three iddlies or two dosas or three chapathis. Of course I chose chapathis because it usually fills up your stomach. For variation I had iddlies and dosas once in a while for breakfast. In between, after lunch I had two or three marie biscuits and a cup of tea without sugar. I was told to avoid sugar for atleast a month or two as it contained high calories. For lunch I just had 150gms of rice accompanied with lot of veggies and salads. I completely avoided rice during dinner. I used to have 3 chappatis with peas daal or sometimes wheat uppuma or wheat dosa. I avoided oil totally and only oil allowed was for seasoning. You will need more fiber when the intake of food is cut down. For this I was recommended oats with warm milk without sugar(ugh! Just try this I really hated this, but just stuffed it into my mouth and swallowed it). You can also have Fenny reek which is full of fiber.25 gms of fenny reek should be taken in the morning as a fiber supplement
It is ofcourse very difficult to follow this routine for a few days. You might also feel angry with your brother, sis, mom and dad or even with your colleagues when You see them eating all those wonderful food in front of you which you are deprived off. Just stay calm and have some cold water and get away from that place. Mind you this will happen in initial stages of your dieting only.
Now I had to exercise to shed the excess weight. I straight away started to walk in a park nearby. I tried to jog and walk. It was difficult in the early days as I usually felt tired after few rounds. But I kept up. I usually get up around 7 am in the morning, but with some determination I got up around 5 am went for the routine. Some tips for walking or jogging. Always wear a good pair of running shoes. NEVER NEVER walk with your bare foot for a long time. Usually you should have to walk 7000 steps minimum and maximum 10000 steps. It depends on each individual, but do not overdo it. Start with a lazy walk and then go for brisk walking and while finishing off again finish with a lazy walk.
Speaking about exercise, you can also join a gym or a weight reduction programme, but choose a parlour that is good. Just consult your doctor if you are given any tablet at any slimming center and ask him if you can take the tablet. You should keep in mind that you can reduce weight gradually and not in one or two sitting. You can reduce 3 kgs per month ideally.
After all these I have reduced my weight to 75 kgs from 91 kgs. A 16kg reduction in 6 months. I still have to reduce another 8 or 9kgs for my ideal weight and I am confident that I would do it. You shall feel elated when you try your old jeans or your old trousers or shirts which earlier the buttons would not even reach the midsection, but now after reducing your weight it would fit you snugly. Certainly your confidence level will go up.
It will be tough initially, but with determination you can overcome. I had quit several time but was back once again as you will feel guilty when you stop your exercise routine and you will certainly be back in a day or two. Do not starve yourself. Eat whatever you want but with less quantity and exercise a little more to shed the extra calories you have eaten.
I am also including the food that can be avoided, restricted, included. Suggestion are welcome. Be happy! Cheers!
Foods to be avoided
Carbonated drinks like pepsi, coke, fanta etc. They just contain empty calories
Red meats, Organ meats(liver, brain etc)
Shellish(prawns, shrimp)
Cream, Cheese, butter, ghee, dalda, palm oil coconut oil
Milk sweets(gulab jamun, ice cream etc)
Fried foods(Pooris, Vada)
Nuts and oilseeds(Coconut ground nut)
Bakery products(cakes, puffs)
Foods to be restricted
Rice and other cereals
Sugars and Sweets
Roots and tubers
Foods to be included daily
All vegetables especially leafy and green varieties
Raw vegetables salads
Fruits, especially those with edible skins
Whole grams and pulses, sprouted grams, dhals