This is a classic example why most novelist are not willing to convert their creation to the celluloid. Chetan Bhagat had struck gold with his first novel FPS and thats the only reason why most of us still bought TMIML even though ON@CC wasnt that spectacular. Its the problem if ur 1st one is a run away hit, u raise the bar so much that next time even u find it difficult to jump. In any case the ONACC wasnt horrible to read. It was kind of a commercial masala movie on paper;)
I just saw the without much expectation but still hoped that its watchable atleast. Not to be. The movie is just about horrible. Poor direction, acting, silly liners were the last nail in the coffin.
You can judge the poorness by the fact that in the Sumo in which these 5 employees(except vroom) were travelling, was having white board license plate. Do we have personal vehicles plying as taxis in Mumbai? Or in another scene, Sharman enter the call center with a white t shrit but after 10 mins hes in purple shirt. the small bag he carried had a shirt? Why shd he change his shirt? The movie not only ruins the cast, producer or the director, it also damages Chetans image among the persons who havnt read him already. These guys will never ever read him again!
Chetan u reading?