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Member Since:Jun 18, 2008
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Old wine new bottle
Reviewed Love Aaj Kal
Well we have been used to it...same old story of guys in love and not realizing it till its very late (marriage is over etc) and then when the realize, they rRead more...
It is written!!!
Reviewed Slumdog Millionaire
Well when I saw this movie, I had already read quite a few reviews and recommendations in TOI from people like Shashi Tharoor, BagchiKakaria. My expectations Read more...
What the Hell 0(/10)
Reviewed Hello
This is a classic example why most novelist are not willing to convert their creation to the celluloid. Chetan Bhagat had struck gold with his first novel FPSRead more...
See only if you must
Reviewed Saas Bahu Aur Sensex
To be honest I went to see the movie because of just 2 words shown in the promos "Sensex" and "Warner Bros". Of late we have seen some good movies made of bigRead more...
No words to appreciate the work!!
Reviewed Pather Panchali
Well I don’t see Bengali movies and this one the first one I saw. I had heard a lot about the movie so got a copy from the local DVD store and saw the movie wRead more...
90 bpm
Reviewed Wednesday
If you are wondering what the title means read on. I will tell at the end what it means. Well by now u m8 well be aware how well the movie is doing at box ofRead more...
Must watch
Reviewed Mumbai Meri Jaan
Well just a caution to all those who are reading the review before seeing the movie. Please see it first and take my words it will be worth all that u are goiRead more...
Creative Stones Ipod Shuffle
Reviewed Creative Zen Stone Plus
Here is my review on Creative Zen Stone Plus 1 GB But b4 that let me tell you how I ended up buying this one.quite irrelevant though….I was hearing “Barber SRead more...
Just about ok!!
Reviewed Nokia 2626
I lost my mobile last week and thus bough this one frm subiksha. It costed me 2137 at bangalore. At first I was impressed but off late have been a bit upset wRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on dyptee's review
Commented on dyptee's review
how can u not recommend it dude? it can at least be seen once
Rated on My_Experience's review
Commented on My_Experience's review
Commented on rgaba_1979's review
is IVR order so advanced that they service the request instantly? I was told (by customer care) that first one set of person comes to give u recharge coupon along with customer id on the next day. Then you use this coupon # and cust id to again call the customer care and then schedule a test enginee Read More...
Commented on vadige's review
Review is ok... but.. note the concluding statement: 'Rajkumar Hirani has made Nagpur proud b his achievements.' why do u marathi's want to bring this up again and again? It seems Raj Thackrey's regionalism is in all marathi's blood
Rated on vadige's review
Rated on Kieran.Dreamer's review
Commented on walking_dude's review
I dont quite agree to u here..mind you all companies are for its stakeholders (customers and shareholders) and not for employees. So you will not find a single i repeat single company which will satisfy employees. Companies have cut throat business and they have to survive no matter what it takes t Read More...
Rated on walking_dude's review
Rated on dpn123's review
Commented on prabu.mohan's review
Rated on prabu.mohan's review
Commented on Albert_Pintoo's review
Rated on Albert_Pintoo's review
Rated on s8505's review
Commented on s8505's review
I personally dont own Unicorn but feel its an excellent bike. I have heard a bit abt low speed and low gear issues but I guess u cant expect 150 cc bikes to be perfect at snarling traffic..i hav heard 2-3 yr old pulsar having gear prb where it automatically degears....is a nightmare...i havn't heard Read More...
Commented on K.P.Pradeep's review
are you sure u getting 70+ mileage in Pune city? I have this one frm may and my odometer reads 1500 kms...i get round about 60kmpl. To clarify more i travel mostly at off time (going offc at 7.30 am and coming back at 4pm) so the traffic is less and i dont burn much fuel idling. Neverthless i Read More...
Rated on dipaksahu1's review
Commented on dipaksahu1's review
dude i was exactly confused like u between bajaj and HH and finally chose PassionPro for the same reason as yours..I bought mine on 23rd May and I had cold start problem for the first month (till first servicing) also gear shift was bit hard during the period. A new bike takes some time to overhaul Read More...
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Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dr.Nishchal Bhatt (@nishchalbhattahMouthShut Verified Member)
AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)