If there is ayone out there who is planning to buy a new motorcycle and is looking at the CBZ as well...the just go ahead and buy it!!
I had the the bike (I named it Jessica..and pls allow me to refer it to as that) For about 3 years before she was stolen (cried my heart out) but it was one hell of an experience.
True many similar bikes exist today...but the CBZ created a market for itself unlike others and it did this on the basis of looks and reliability.
there arens too many things that are wrong or faulty with this motorcycle.....mileage is an issue for some but please let me reassure everyone that the bike is capable of achieving upto 50 Kmpl in the city and almost 60 on the highway (i rode upro Shimla and then manali a month before she was stolen...amazing...no problems). And getting good mileage is easy..the bikes most economical speed is 45kmpl...and thats what I rode it at all the time...with the exception a couple of bursts of speed once in a while.
Like I mentioned there are not too many things which one can crib about...but ill still list some problems which can occour....more so if the bike is not maintained.
Mileage can go up pr down drastically depending on your riding...take it slow and steady.
Spare parts are very expensive..even thought the prices have crashed they still come at a high cost.
The bike tends to cool very fast in winter...it can be quite task to start it in the mornings even with the choke on.
4.The colour black seems to fade away quickly....and becomes dull very fast.
Thats about it. When I have the money I am going to buy one of these again...plus its so much more affordable now..prices have crashed by as much as 12000 since I bought her.
Its a great experience to be riding a bike such as this...and though I have been repeatedly disspointed by Hero Hondas customer service and the lack of skills at service stations..this was one hell of a creation.
Heres to you Jessica....wherever you may be!!